Guess Who?

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Ivy, Zack, Jules and Devineaux sat at a table, discussing the letter.
"But *when* will this be takin' place?" Zack asked.

"There's a ball going on there tonight. At 8pm. The guests will have special admittance tickets to hand in once they arrive, but this letter doesn't have a ticket with it." Jules stated.

"Maybe it is a trap?" Devineaux suggested.

"Aha!" Ivy exclaimed, startling Zack. "That's what's familiar."

"What is it?" Jules asked politely as Ivy routed through a backpack and pulled out a piece of paper.

"This," Ivy pointed at the letter and the note, "Is Carmen's handwriting."
Zack picked up the note and smirked. "Look, Ives, she even put love-" He was cut off by Ivy's elbow to his gut.

"Why would she wanna see me though? And a fancy dance of all times 'n places? Seems a bit much for just a meet up."

"Knowing Carmen, she might have bought her ticket knowing the money would go to charity, and maybe chose you as her plus one."

"That's a good assumption. Oh, I never got to ask you three, why are you here in San Diego anyway?"

"There have been reports from ACME of 2 suspected VILE operatives in the area. And we believe they are going to the exact same ball as you. We are going to see if they truly are villains."

"Well good luck. I'll let Zack give you a tour of the place while I clean myself up for tonight." Ivy got up and went to the elevator. Duke tilted his head and went to Zack for some loving.

Timeskip brought to you by Ivy looking pretty

There she was, Ivy in her regular clothing outside of the grand del ballroom, waiting for a shout from someone.

"Ivy." A familiar red clothed person stepped out from the shadows.

Ivy hesitated for a second, and her heart skipped a beat. "Carm. It's been a while." Carmen smiled and took Ivy's hand to lead her somewhere. They ended up on a small, dimly lit bench under a lamp post.

"It has been a while, hasn't it?" Carmen spoke.

"Mhm. Why did you want to see me today?"

"I know you were upset when I left, so I've come back to apologise. I'm sorry Ivy."

Ivy had no words. Carmen knew she was upset about it? What could she say?
"Thank you, Carm. But it's okay now."

"It didn't feel right just apologising like that, so I decided to have a girls night out with you while I was here."

"That's wicked cool. So what do we do first?"

"Get some appropriate clothing for this dance."

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