I Quit

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Ivy steadied herself. Her hand was shaking with her pen in hand, but she pulled herself together. She clicked the top and dropped it.
"Ah, Agent. What seems to be the case?" Chief said as her hologram stood tall.

"I.. I wanna quit. There's someone out there I have to see."

"I respect that. Your brother will take your suit back. Enjoy life."

The hologram disappeared, and Ivy left the pen on the pile of clothing ready for Zack to wake up and collect. She was about to head out, but she thought of Carmen again. Ivy wouldn't leave without saying anything this time.


Finally, Zack woke up, and saw Ivy in her casual clothing. "Ngh... mornin' Ivy."

"Hey." Ivy said in a rather melancholic tone.

"You sound sad again. What's up?"

"Well, I quit my job at ACME. And I'm going to San Diego."

"Big sis, I'll always be proud of you no matter what life choices you make. Come here and gimme a hug before you go though." The two spent around 5 minutes in a tight hug.

"I'll see you again one day. Promise?"


Ivy smiled and left.


The airport was busy, and Ivy took a deep breath as she boarded the plane. The trip felt like days, but sleep followed Ivy ever so often on the way. And finally, she woke to the sight of beautiful San Diego. She thought about Carmen for a second. Beautiful Carmen Sandiego. A small blush appeared on her face but she swept it off. That day, she started a new life in San Diego. No more ACME, no more spy stuff. Not until she faced Carmen again.

And there she was. Ivy stood in front of the large building, the old headquarters of Team Red. She approached the door carefully, and knocked. The door opened as though it had not closed properly the last time someone entered or left. She went in and saw the place full of dust, then noticed a piece of paper on the coffee table. It read:

Dear Ivy, whenever it may be, I expected you to come back here. I remain to be on my never ending tour of the world, but I may visit you again one day. That's right, I'm giving you this place for you to keep. It now belongs to you. Just one request, keep the place nice for when I visit.

~Love Carmen

Ivy wiped the tears from her eyes and held the note tight.

*Oh no I smudged it! Wait how could I have smudged it..?*

Ivy put the note in her backpack, then started to clean with a simple broom.


A month later, and the warehouse was finally home to Ivy, her and Zack's car (Lydia) and her german shepherd named Duke. The place had also a become decently known garage for fixing cars and most vehicles.

And one day she gets quite unexpected visitors.

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