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Ivy was eating some toast with Duke on her lap. Duke perked his head up and barked towards a back window. Ivy looked over, and saw nothing. She got up and opened the window, but nobody could be seen. Then someone knocked at the door. She walked over and opened it. "I'm sorry but this place opens at-" Ivy stopped and looked at the person in front of her.


"Oh... Ivy, yes? I did not expect to see you working here." He looked at her outfit, which consisted of oil stained overalls.

"Yeah. I'm just a good old mechanic now. So what brings you to my humble garage?"

"I may have crashed into the front window of the car. Again. And Chief won't be impressed."

"I guess because it's you, you can get half off." Devineaux stared with a stern look. "What? I need the dough." Ivy put her hands up. "Oh by the way, is Zack here?"

"He's at a pizza place nearby. I'll fetch him while you work on my car. Miss Argent? Are you coming?" They both looked at Jules.

"I'll stay here and accompany Ivy while she fixes the car." She said calmly

"Thanks Devineaux." Ivy smiled as he left to find Zack. Jules drove the car into the garage and got out as Ivy repaired the window.


Duke later came along and warmed up to Jules quickly. But then came along 2 figures, which Duke ran up to. "Big sis?!"

"Lil' bro!" Ivy exclaimed as Zack ran over with Duke by his side. Ivy spread her arms out wide and hugged Zack when he got to her. "Oh I miss you bein' a goofball." Ivy laughed.

"I like your dog. What's it's name? Oh did I mention it's adorable and I'll smother it with love?" Duke rolled on the floor in excitement.

"He is adorable. And his name's Duke, after you, Duke of Vermeer." She bowed jokingly. "Sometimes he barks at nothing."

"Do you recon this place is haunted by... *gulp* g-g-ghosts?"

"Don't be silly. It's probably just bird shadows."

"Better birds than ghosts right?"

"Don't think about it. Anyway, please come in. Apart from me and Duke, nobody lives here. I get lonely, especially when he runs off outside."

"Do you worry about him not returning?"

"He always does, before 3pm." And as if on cue, Duke barked and ran behind the building.

"I'll check where he went." Jules said, but before she could to anything, Duke returned with an envelope.

"Here boy!" Ivy said as Duke dropped the letter and she picked it up. "It says:

"Dear Ivy,

"I request you to come to the Del Ballroom with only you and none of your friends. A dress or a suit, whatever you want to wear will be available when you get there. Look your best and be yourself.

"Oh man I'm bein' invited to a fancy ball? That's wicked cool but this place is said to be really fancy. Oh boy."

My Mistress (CarmIvy)Where stories live. Discover now