Just Use Tinder

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"Ugh fuck you, don't call me ever again!" I screamed into my iphone then hung up. "Whoa...I left for 2 minutes what the hell happened?" My best friend Kandy came into my room with her glass of water and sat on my bed. I threw my head into my hands and just sat for a minute before running my hands through my hair.

"That stupid boy that I was talking to had a fucking kid and got his baby mother pregnant" I said while playing with my stuffed animal. "Damn I think that's the most fucked up situation you've been in yet....I mean besides the time Stephen went to jail".

"Please don't bring him up...I haven't found a good man ever since we broke up" I whined trying not to get teary eyed. "I'm sorry Lauren but you really need to find another man...that's your problem you keep fucking with these little boys and you need to find yourself another Stephen" Kandy started rubbing my back and took my phone.

Kandy being my best friend I had made sure her Face ID was in my phone I never wanted her to think I was hiding something from her.

Anyway let me give you a brief introduction: My name is Lauren Rose and as you can see my life is pretty fucked...well I shouldn't say that. My dad is really rich, he does real estate and basically spoils me even though I don't want him to. Either way let's just say that now I have my own purple Tesla and my own house that I don't have to pay for.

This brings me to my second point...

The reason I say my life is fucked is because I can't find anyone who loves me for me. Besides my best friend Kandy who has been friends with me before my father became super rich, I can't find a boyfriend.
They all either use me for money or publicity and the only good boyfriend I had is now in jail thanks to our carelessness.

I'm a senior in high school and I'm about to turn 19 in September...basically when school starts again. Ever since I turned 18 my father decided that I should have my own living space to have privacy and I wasn't mad. I had all the freedom in the world now. I just wish I had someone to share it with.

"Just use tinder" Kandy said while handing me back my phone. "Kandy I already told you I'm not..."

"Just try it" she said cutting me off. I set up my profile picture which was a picture of me at the beach last summer. I had long light brown hair, my skin tone was  a shade darker then peanut butter and I had hazel eyes that were very noticeable. I then typed in my birthday and my age and everything I was looking for in a man.

After it was set up I was ready to start swiping and I even swiped right on a few people but I had to wait for them to swipe me back. "Ok which one do you like the most" Kandy asked.

"Um this one" I showed her the phone and she made a disgusted face.

"Ummm why him?" She asked and I looked at my phone with wide eyes

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"Ummm why him?" She asked and I looked at my phone with wide eyes. "Ugh not him...him!" I said going back to the picture I originally had on my phone.

"He's so hot, do you think he'll swipe you back" Kandy said snatching my phone and stalking his profile

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"He's so hot, do you think he'll swipe you back" Kandy said snatching my phone and stalking his profile. "I honestly don't think it's real...why would this man be single he's so fine he might just be a catfish".

"Oh my god it's a match...he swiped you back" Kandy screamed and showed me my phone. I snatched it from her and couldn't believe my eyes. "Ok set up a date with him, if he meets you in a public place he's probably not a catfish but I'll come with you to make sure no one throws you in the back of their car" she said jokingly.

That was my worse fear and was one of the reasons why I didn't trust online dating. I was willing to give it a try though and having my best friend by my side made me feel a little more confident.

I went to his messages and noticed that he had already texted me. "Hey beautiful"

"Kandy what do I say?" I was getting super nervous not wanting to mess it up. "Give me that I'll do it, you suck at flirting" she snatched my phone once again and started texting fast. Kandy was always texting someone so typing quickly was her specialty.

A few minutes later she handed me my phone "you have a date with him tomorrow night at Jay's coffee shop, you're welcome"

"What the fuck how did you do that?" I scrolled through the messages and Kandy was flirting so much, she was a natural at it. "Come on let's go get you an outfit for tomorrow you don't want to dress to fancy but not to comfortable either".

"Kandy wait" I sighed in disappointment "it says he's a teacher I can't risk putting another man in jail."

"Lauren he doesn't teach at our school which mean you can fuck him and no one will know" she started giggling and I threw my stuffed dog at her. "You're terrible Kandy!!" I yelled while trying to hold back my laughter.

"Come on let's go shopping before the stores close it's already getting late" she picked up my stuffed animal and tossed it back on to my bed.

I grabbed my coat and my car keys. I hope this date tomorrow goes well and for the sake of my mental health I hope he's a nice guy.

Tinder Date {18+}Where stories live. Discover now