Such A Backstabber

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The next day, Kandy and I did Our usual routine to get ready. Kandy was more hyper then usual while I was being eaten alive by my guilt. "Lauren it's a beautiful day cheer up" Kandy said as she looked at our outfits in the mirror. I faintly smiled at her and she sighed.

"What's the matter Lauren? Stephen got your tongue?" She said smiling at me and walking out the room. My heart sank when she said that. I know Kandy made stupid jokes but this one felt personal. I shrugged it off and tried to keep my morning as positive as possible.

We drove to school screaming to music at the top of our lungs. It was a good way to keep my mind off of what happened last night. We walked into school and said our goodbyes as we walked to our separate ways to our first period classes.

When the first 2 periods of our day was done we would meet back up in the hallway and walk to Michael's class together. Michael stood outside his door greeting the students as they came in. "Hello Lauren, Hello Kandy" he said giving us a great big smile.

"Hey, Mister Jackson" I said keeping my head down low. "Hey sexy" Kandy said low enough for both of us to hear her. I looked up at her confused on why she would say that but she just walked past me smiling and never meeting my eyes.

She walked to her seat in the back of the classroom while I was still stuck in the front of the classroom. I looked back at her and she wiggled her fingers at me and gave me an almost petty looking smile.

I turned around and ignored it. I was just overthinking and being paranoid. When the last few students trickled in, Michael shut the door and with a loud voice said "Alright let's begin, take out your notebooks".

He never hesitated to start class as soon as the bell rung. Michael stood by his projector and turned it on as he continued to talk about today's lesson. He hooked his computer up to it and soon we could see his screen on the white board.

He pulled up his usual google slide presentation and had us copy everything that was written into our journals. As he flipped to the next slide a video started to play and I swore I could feel my heart beats coming to a halt.

It was a phone recording of me on top of Stephen, clearly with my body pressed against his and engaging in a heated moment. Michael's eyes quickly shot to me as he started to realize who's room it was. He shut his laptop and rubbed his face trying to process everything.

The entire class got silent and all eyes looked at me. I felt so embarrassed and felt the tears starting to weld  up in my eyes so I got up and ran out of the classroom. I could hear foot steps chasing after me but all I could do was run to my car and drive off back home.

When 4pm hit Kandy walked through the front door. Michael always stayed a little bit later to grade assignments and start his next lesson plan. Stephen stayed in his room after I told him that I didn't want to see him again.  I could tell my words wounded him deeply but I never should have put my relationship with Michael at risk...I loved him.

I sat on the couch with red puffy eyes, and dried up tears on my cheeks making my face feel tight. I looked out the window watching everything in nature feel free and happy. Kandy walked over to me and grabbed my shoulder roughly. When I looked at her it was anger in her eyes not sadness.

This was a look I've never seen on her before.

"You pathetic bitch, you run out of the classroom leaving that poor man to deal with his feelings alone. He looked lost and disappointed for the rest of the class and the rest of the day." She yelled.

Kandy was never the type to call me out of my name. I felt as if I deserved it and she was just being her usually brutally honest self...until

"You don't fucking deserve him, I was with him after class and I comforted him. I told him he could do better...with a girl like me" she said giving me a petty smile.

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