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My fingers ached at the knuckles as I pulled up the last vine in my aunt's garden. She also happens to be my neighbor, how convenient.

"Auntie you can't let your garden get this bad before calling me over," I wiped the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Well Viola I wouldn't but it's so hard to catch you at home that either I call someone else or just have to wait on you sweetie." She's right. And I don't want her calling anyone else because they'll just want her to pay them.

"Well, my work is done here. You'll let me know if you need anything right?" I said as I got up from the ground. My jeans stained at the knees.

"If you pick up the phone that is." She chuckled and I smiled at her.

"You just call at the wrong times!" I shouted as I hopped on my bike in her driveway. She shooed me away before I took off down the street. Around the corner is my house where I live with my mom, dad, and little sister Reina.

On my way down the street, I noticed a very tall boy walking with his head hung low. And not like a normal low. It was more of like an "I really don't want people to see my face" kind of low. I watched him as I bypassed and I didn't know how he was able to see where he was walking.

I don't remember ever seeing him before, or maybe I have, and just didn't really notice him. Anyway, it was a little weird so I just kept on my way to my house.


Once I got home I placed my bike in the backyard and went in through the back door.

"V!" My little sister ran up to me and hugged my leg. 

"Hi my Reina! I'm dirty you know." I laughed as I patted her head. 

"Don't care! I missed you!" She jumped up and down as she backed away from me. I smiled picking her up and walking into the kitchen. Even though she's 6 she's still quite short and small for her age.

"Hey sweetie how was it?" My mom asked as I put Reina on the ground.

"It was good. Even though she almost bit my head off for not answering my phone more." A bit of an exaggeration but still.

"As her sister and your mother, I know you're exaggerating." I shook my head and laughed before heading upstairs to my room to get prepared for a shower.


After my shower and getting dressed, I laid in bed and grabbed my laptop to work on a fanfiction I've been writing. As soon as I had opened it to get started, I jumped at the sudden bang on my window. Then it happened again. I ran over to it and looked down to see my best friend Melody standing there. I lifted my window and stuck my top body out of it.

"What are you doing!?" I yelled down at her.

"Come over and study or something!" She yelled back at me.

Of course she asks me after I settle down and get comfortable.

"Fine let me get myself together." I pulled my window back down and prepared my bag. I already know my mom is going to say yes to me going so I'm just doing this before I ask her.

I wrapped my packed bag around my shoulder and hopped downstairs to tell my mom.

"Hey mom I'm going over to Melody's house to study. I might spend the night." She smiled and nodded.

"Just text me if you decide to." I nodded and kissed her cheek and Reina's who was laying on her lap sleeping before I walked out the front door to meet Melody.

"Took you long enough." She said as we got into her car.

"I was literally 10 minutes." And we began driving to her house.


At her house, there was another car that I don't recognize. And even though we're the same age, she chose to move out early and I didn't. As long as I have the choice I am not moving out just yet. But the unknown car made me a little anxious to see what company she had over.

"You didn't tell me you had people over." She giggled as we walked up to her door.

"You would have said no V." She's right. If I had known I had to deal with other people this late I would have stayed home.

Walking inside I saw the others that were invited. It was 3 boys and 2 girls sitting in a circle. One of them looks kind of familiar but I'm not sure if I know him.

"Hey guys I'm back and I bought another human." She introduced me and they all looked up.

Him. The one that's sitting closest to the corner of the room. That's the boy that I saw walking. I can finally see his face now.

"Hi, I'm Jeno," The boy with blue hair got up and shook my hand. I smiled.

"Heyy I'm Lisa!" The first girl stayed on the floor and waved at me.

"I'm Jiwoo," The other girl spoke.

"What's up I'm Johnny." Another tall boy spoke.

"Lucas." That was all he said. I can see he's the quiet type.

"Hi guys I'm Viola." I waved at all of them and sat down in the circle in between Jiwoo and Johnny.

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