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When I opened my eyes it was still dark, so I pulled my phone out and looked at the clock. It read 3:13 am. Why did I have to wake up now?

I rubbed the sleepy out of my eyes and tried to focus them in the dark. The moonlight coming through the huge window in Johnny's living room helped. Once they were adjusted I noticed Lucas wasn't in the spot he was in when we were all settling down.

He must be upstairs in his room or something. Even though it's a sleepover, we're in his house, he can sleep where he wants. I guess since I can't sleep I'll go throw some cold water on my face. Sometimes that helps me feel refreshed for more sleeping. Weird right?

I got up from my spot causing Melody to groan and move around. I playfully kicked her lightly and headed to the downstairs bathroom. Well really, I haven't been that far into Johnny's house yet, so really I had to look for it.

I held my hands out as I walked down the hall which was darker than the living room because there are no windows. I passed about two doors before seeing what looked like a nightlight showing through a cracked door at the end of the hall. As I kept feeling my way through the home, I felt something in front of me. Something hard and big. It caused me to shout.

"Woah!" I said as I jumped back. Falling on my behind as I did.

Gosh...it must be Lucas.

"Are you ok?" He reached down to me to help me up.

Akspgfhg why is his voice so deep!?

"Yeah, I'm sorry." He was looking for my hand but his hand landed on my arm instead. He slid his hand down my arm before finally grasping my hand and pulling me up.

"It's ok. I'm sorry I scared you." He said as I chuckled.

Why was he just standing there anyway?

Suddenly I felt and kind of saw him walk away from me before a light came on. When I readjusted my eyes to the new light I almost gasped out loud.

He didn't have a shirt on. And he had a lion tattoo on the left side of his ribcage.

"I was looking for the bathroom, is that it?" I asked nervously as I pointed to the cracked door. He nodded and ran a hand through his messy dark brown hair.

I smiled and carefully slid past him to get to the restroom. Once I was in there, I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Are you serious?" I said quietly to myself.

Sometimes things don't sit with me until I talk to myself to assure myself that it really happened. And that really happened.

I splashed the cold water on my face like I planned and grabbed a paper towel to dry my face before throwing it away and walking back out.

I'll just get back to my spot and go back to sleep. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

I opened the door and slowly walked out to make sure I don't bump into him again. Fortunately, he left the light on. I walked down the long hall and finally got to my spot on the floor, and when I did the hallway light turned off. I squinted my eyes to see through the darkness and noticed Lucas walking back over to his spot as well. 

He must have waited for me to be done before he came back to lay down.

I watched him as he got underneath his blanket and settled back in. Finally, I started going back to sleep.


In the morning everyone was getting themselves together for breakfast. Me and melody were already awake and had already brushed our teeth and washed our faces while Lisa and Jiwoo stayed asleep. The boys were already cooking in the kitchen. I could smell pancakes and it got me really excited so I hopped up without a second thought and headed for the kitchen. 

That was a mistake. 

Not only was Lucas still shirtless, but Johnny and Jeno were covered in pancake batter, and shirtless. What is up with guys and not wearing clothes?

I shook my head and walked over to Jeno who was mixing the pancake batter.

"No wonder you're covered in this stuff. It's too much flour and not enough milk." I grabbed the bowl from him and grabbed the gallon of milk off of the countertop and continued to mix the ingredients.

Johnny then came over and started watching me mix it.

"Hey Johnny how about instead of watching me do this you watch those burning pancakes over there." He hurriedly ran back over to the stove and struggled to flip the now sticking pancakes. Jeno only laughed at him and walked over to the table where Lucas was standing decorating the plates with blueberries. 

"Uhh, the pancakes might be a little well done." Johnny said turning around with dark brown pancakes.

I couldn't help but burst out in laughter. 

"It's just pancakes, not the world's most famous steak!" I said jokingly.

Just then Lisa walked in still wearing just her tank and shorts. She didn't look like she had just woken up though. Her makeup was done and her hair was brushed. Did she really do all of that before she even brushed her teeth? How you gonna have a pretty face and not pretty breath?

"Good morning boys, and Viola." She said walking over to Lucas. 

"Hey Lisa. Pancake?" Johnny walked over to her laughing with a burnt pancake on a paper plate. She smacked his arm and scoffed at him before he threw it into the trash can.

I don't have the energy to deal with whatever she's feeling right now so I just didn't say anything. Fortunately, the pancakes I had sat on the stove were cooked properly and everyone then came into the kitchen for breakfast.

We all then sat at the table. Johnny sat in between Jiwoo and Lisa, I sat across from Johnny in between Lucas and Melody and Jeno sat on the right side of Melody.

I don't know how I keep ending up next to Lucas, but I don't have a problem with it.


After breakfast, I told everyone that I would do the dishes, so they all piled them up in the sink and headed back out to the living room.

After a few minutes, I heard someone come back into the kitchen.

"Your pancakes were really good." I looked beside me and it was Lucas.

"Oh, thanks." I smiled. This time he came to me first!

I hope this is a sign he's opening up.

"I knew Johnny couldn't cook but I didn't think he would mess up something as simple as pancakes." He said shaking his head. I chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, that was a mess." He nodded and then left. 

I then finished the dishes and went back into the living room to grab a change of clothes and went into the bathroom to change. The other girls followed after me and the boys went upstairs to do the same. 

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