Flashback (3)

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The class went on as normal once the teacher came into the class. Abel didn't mention anything to the teacher about what had happened earlier but he knew that the class wouldn't have let go of the situation so easily and it would be talked about for the next few months.

The class had ended and Bella started to pack up her stuff, taking her time. Taylor sat on the desk in front of hers and waited patiently for her best friend. "So about that party" she mentioned subtly "I'm not going" Bella objected almost instantly.

"Oh come on Bells. It's probably the last party we would be able to go to as seniors" she said pouting as the brunet got up from her seat swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Why do you want to go so badly" she asked walking out the class to her locker

"I just told you it would be-"

"Cut the crap and tell me what it really is" she said shaking her head. She opened her locker only to have it slammed shut by an angry teenager.

"You little bitch, you will pay for what you did to me today" she said poking Bella's shoulder "Who do you think you are to talk to me that way" she continued to whine. Bella closed her eyes and shook her head

"Taylor, do you hear something?" she said not wanting to be around the brat cry-baby. "I swear there's this buzzing coming from the lower levels of the Earth. Did hades allow leave to one of his midgets or something" she said, at this point Taylor was beyond words and was trying her best not to burst out laughing 

The shorter girl scoffed flipped her hair and just stomped away from the two best friends. "As funny as that was, you could have went easy on the kid" Taylor she leaning against the lockers. Bella shook her head with an innocent smile while replacing her books for the next class. "Even if I did I doubt she would have left any faster than she did right now" she said closing her locker 

"Don't you think you owe me a thank you?" a voice said from behind Bella "And what would that be for" she stated simply "For not bring the teachers into what happened earlier" he said, Bella turned around to come face to face with her ex. The one person she wanted as minimal interaction with. 

"I never asked you to do what you did. If you want to get them involved go for it" she raised her hands to her shoulder "Now if you done wasting my time. We have class" she said cutting him short and pulled Taylor to their next class. "I'm not letting you go until you say yes to going out with me" he said stepping in front of them.

"And why would I agree to that?" Bella raised her brow and crossed her arms over her chest waiting for a response "Able? Why would I ever want to go out with you again?" he just stood there stunned by how forward she was being "Step aside before you end up bruising more than your ego" he gulped and moved to the side

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2021 ⏰

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