Chapter Two

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Bella: "What do you mean dad is back" she said making her sister look at her with concern "He swore never to step foot near us again" she said as anger started to build within the smaller Hadid sister

Gigi: "He heard news that I gave birth to a child and he wants a chance to be there for his grandchild" she explained but that only added to fuel to the flame in Bella 

Bella: "Well then maybe he should have been a better father to have the chance to be a grandfather cause this is unacceptable" she said starting to pace "An official agreement was signed-"

Gigi: "For him to stay away from you" she said stunning her little sister "Bella" she said taking her sister's hands in hers "He is still our father, he deserves a chance to be forgiven" Bella pulled her hands away from her sister and took a few steps back 

Bella: "Well then I guess you should be getting back to your family that is waiting for you" she stated coldly "I don't want Y/n to worry either, so I will bring up the meeting I have scheduled with her so you two can get back how to your family" she said making her sister look at her with a broken hearted expression evident on her face 

Gigi: "Bella don't be so stubborn about this" she said, Bella just stared at her sister in disbelief as she defended the person responsible for all the scars and wounds that Bella carries around 

Bella: "I'm sorry but Y/n is waiting for me at my office, feel free to wonder around or you can stay and wait for us in the pack house, you should find Hailey around there somewhere. She is usually is the day-care center helping take care of the little cubs" with that Bella walked off leaving her sister in the garden alone 


Bella: "This is absurd!" she yelled not knowing how to take all the new information in "How could she side with the bastard who killed our mother" she said slamming her hands on her desk 

Y/n: "Keep your voice down, I don't want anyone to know since we don't have enough proof that her did have your mother killed" she said making Bella roll her eyes and sit back on the chair 

Bella: "If you worried that she would here you than don't worry she is at the day-care center with Hailey. Those kids get pretty loud, she won't be able to hear us this far up" she said reassuring Y/n yet still being able to maintain her anger 

Y/n: "Still you can't accuse him of something we have no proof of him doing" she said making Bella shake her head 

Bella: "His scent was all over her body when we found her, I grant that as enough proof to blame him for my mother's death" she said making Y/n rub her hand across her face and release a sigh 

Y/n: "Bella they are mates it would be weird if his scent wasn't on her" she said trying to reassure Bella "Beside don't forget that there was an unidentified scent on her as well" she said making Bella roll her eyes in irritation 

Bella: "The man couldn't do anything by himself let alone kill one of the strongest women in the pack who also had Alpha blood coursing through her veins" she said making Y/n just look at her with a blank expression "He didn't even get rid of the body that night" she said and Y/n looked at her wide-eyed

Y/n: "What do you mean, G said that her dad took the body out of the room" she said making Bella break into laughter 

Bella: "Yeah and later that night he woke me up slapped me across the face and told me that my mother is dead because of me and the mess I created I had to clean up on my own" she said making Y/n look at her shocked "I lied to G and told her that father said that I should get out of town for my own safety but in reality he kicked me out" she said folding her arms staring at Y/n with a blank expression "G doesn't know any of this and I would like to keep it this way" she said making Y/n shake her head 

Y/n: "She needs to know all of this, you can't keep her in the dark" she said "I know that's her father and that she loves her father to death but she deserves to know what really happened that night" she said making Bella stand up from her chair 

Bella: "To her knowledge my father burned that body not me, our father is the reason we are alive and have a stable life not me" she said planting her hand on the desk "She loves her family and her family is everything to her so let her have that, don't take that away from her" she said now pleading with Y/n "Let me handle way. Once we have enough I will tell her" she said making Y/n nod 

Y/n: "How can I help?" she stated simply 

Bella: "Pack your bags, I think it's time we pay my hometown a visit"

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