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The Forbidden Bond a story that I was told to never share and to never believe in cause it was against my entire childhood. In my family it was seen as something that could never be forgiven, neither could it be accepted.

So I did what everyone expected me to do, I kept it in and never let it show. I think its better this way but who knows what my future holds maybe things will change or maybe I would have to put up with all this till the very end.

My family, who I thought would always be behind me ended up stabbing me in the back, leaving me to stand alone and wary of everyone who has entered my life and heart broken when they left. Even thought I knew that day would come I thought I could prepare for it but it seems that I was wrong. You can always say that you prepared for loss but when the time come are you really ready? Are you really ready to let go of that person knowing you will never see them again

Turns out I was not...I'm sure you have many questions and I will answer them. Shall we begin? I apologize for this but the only way for you to really understand is if I take you back to the beginning. The time before we could leave home when Gigi and I were still little children. Shall we begin?

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