Flashback (1)

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"Gigi take care of your sister while we are out" she said crouching down to the height of the older daughter "And don't let your brother out of his pram okay" she said ruffling the little girls hair "Promise" she stuck out her pinkie finger and watched as her sweet little angel do the same and wrap her pink around her mother's

"I promise mommy" she said before pulling her finger away from her mom's

"Behave I little angels and remember to take care of each other no matter what" she said walking over to her youngest child and ruffling his hair

At the time Gigi was 11, Bella 9 and Anwar 5. The three sent their mother off without knowing it was the last time they would see her alive. Eventually the night took over; Gigi was awake and waiting for her mom to return. Soon Bella appeared next to her and decided to wait with her. The two girls were sitting on the couch watching TV when they head a strange sound come from outside. They had paused the TV and walked towards the front door.

They walked closer to the door and heard shuffling on the other end. Gigi extended her hand to open the door but a loud bang caused her to move her hand away from the door, she pushed her little sister behind her before extending her hand once more. She turned the door knob and opened the door once she did she wished she hadn't.

The two girls walked out the house and onto the front porch where they found two plastic bags tied around each pole on either side of the porch, as the two girls walked closer they got a revolting smell that entered their nose and immediately stopped and looked at each other before looking down at the two pack. Gigi was the first to notice the blood that was flowing out the packs and down the front stairs, once she had noticed this she ran over to her sister and covered her eyes. At that point she couldn't hold back her fear any longer and burst into tears but she did not let go of her sister neither did she uncover her eyes

Instead she took her sister back in the house and locked all the doors, once she had made saw to lock all the doors and close all the windows, she put her sister to bed and told her that this was all a prank set up by her school friends to scare her. The younger sister believed the story and fell off to sleep, peacefully.

Once Bella was fully asleep, Gigi went back downstairs and phoned her father. Gigi and her sister never got along with their father, but he never once cared less for them or not loved them. In fact he was very fond of his daughters but never knew the right way to express it.

Gigi called him home and as soon as he got there he got the scent of his mate and his heart broke to shatters. When Gigi opened the door she had seen what was in those two packs, one had a heart of a wolf and the other clothes drenched in blood. Suddenly they both heard a scream coming from upstairs. The father and daughter looked at each other for a brief second before speeding upstairs to where the scream originated from

"Bella!" Gigi screamed for her sister who was being held up by a strange man by her throat. The next thing surprised them all

"If you don't want anything to happen to her, let me finish what I came here to do" the strange man croaked out making Gigi shake her head vigorously

"NO! I am not letting you kill my mom and my sister on the same night" she said and Bella's eyes widened in fear and sorrow

"M-m-mo-mom I-is w-wh-what" she said, the fear and sorrow started to be washed away by pain and anger, her eyes started to glow and her k9's were becoming visible. As soon and they appeared fully the house started to shake and everyone found themselves losing balance. Before anyone can say anything Bella had transformed for the first time into her wolf.

Once she had turned she walked over to her sister and helped her get up of the floor, she then circled around her and focused on the intruder who had her by the collar. She snarled at him every time he tried to make a move either towards the window or the door. He was becoming impatient and decided to lung himself towards Gigi but Bella caught him mid-air and ripped him to shreds in one corner of the room 

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