Chapter One

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Hailey: "Bella!?" I heard someone calling from the distance but I just moved further away from the voice until I couldn't hear it anymore. By this time I found myself in a garden surrounded by many beautiful colours and fragrances. There was a small bench among the crowded field, I walked over still lost in the scenery and sat down to gather my thoughts

I couldn't help but think about everything that has happened to this point. Gigi and Y/n are married and have a kid who is now 5 years of age, Hailey and I have been in this new pack for a while now but something feels off, I can't help but feel this overwhelming knot in my stomach. I mean even though it has been Years Hailey and I are still getting used to each other again, being around each other and running the pack has made it difficult for us as mates.

Hailey: "A penny for your thoughts" she said actually handing me a coin, I looked over to her and let out a small laugh at how much of a dork she was being right now "There's that beautiful smile I love so much" a small smile played on my lips as I looked down at my hands before releasing a heavy sigh

Bella: "I thought thinks were gonna get easier over time" I said honestly, Hailey looked at me with concern before putting her hands over mine "I mean isn't that how it works? When you move on in life and not look back. Aren't things supposed to get easier?" I asked placing my head on her shoulders

Hailey: "Generally yes" she stated simply. I gave her a blank look causing her to face me and take both my hands in her's "Look, thinks are always going to be difficult because change comes with difficulty. But you can't let the difficulty define who you are"

Bella: "And who am I exactly" I looked down at our hands but she raised my head and looked me in the eyes

Hailey: "You are the most strong, modest, humble, sexy, funny, pain in the ass, hot-headed person on this earth" she said making me push her a little "But you are also the smartest and most competent person I know" she said taking my face in her hand "You are the person I love the most" she said placing a kiss on my forehead

Bella: "I love you to" I said resting in her arms as we just sat there in the garden taking in the beauty of the place "I really am thankful that you are alive, I don't know what I would have done without you" I said closing my eyes and resting in her arms

Hailey: "I thankful also" was the last thing I heard before falling into the darkness


"What are you doing? Let go of her!" I heard a voice say I turned to see where the voice was coming from but everything was pitch black

"Bella? Bella?" I heard my sisters voice but had no idea where it was coming from "Bella, can you her me, where are you?" I heard her again but this time I decided to follow the voices."Bella you need to run! You need to get out of here" my sister's voice said again but there was no response I reached a door but all that was beyond it was a bright light. I was about to walk through it when something grabbed my hand and pulled me back


I shot up from Hailey's lap drenched in sweat and breathing like I just ran two miles straight. I looked around and saw that I was still in the garden and that Hailey was now looking at me with both shock and concern. She pulled me in her arms and held me until my breathing returned to normal.

Hailey: "Are you okay?" she said still holding me "Bells I think you need to go to the pack doctor this has been happening for over six months now and I'm starting to worry about you" she said starting to get angry

Bella: "I told you no doctors" me saying that only made her more annoyed "I told you I can handle this on my own, I have been my whole life. So you don't need to worry" she took a deep breath and released it with a sigh

Hailey: "This can't keep happening Bella. It's becoming a frequent thing" she said brushing her hands through her hair "You wake up in a jolt in the middle of the night, not to mention in the mornings you wake up in tears" she said making shake my head

Bella: "It will stop, okay. Trust me" I said taking her hands in mine "Just promise me, no doctors" I pleaded giving her no choice but to agree "Thank you" I said kissing her cheek making her sigh

Hailey: "What am I going to do with you" she said shaking her head, I placed my index finger on my cheek tilting my head

Bella: "Love me" I said making her laugh and shake her head by how childish I sounded in that moment

Hailey: "I already do" she said leaning down and connecting our lips.


Gigi: "Bella?!" I heard my sister scream "I know you can hear me so answer before I knock down every door in this place" she said making me groan and get out of bed and walk down stairs to meet my sister with a concerned and pissed look on her face

Bella: "Yes your majesty" I said with sarcasm evident in my tone "What can I do for you today?" she crossed her arms and gave me a 'Don't take that tone with me' look

Gigi: "Don't you dare take that tone with me young lady" she said making me internally smile, you know maybe I should have someone with me to acknowledge my many talents, "Why didn't you tell me that the nightmares had come back?" her features had softened as she brought up the last topic I wanted to talk about

Bella: "It's not a big deal G" I said but she didn't buy into it "In all honesty it never stopped" I said and she released a heavy sigh and pulled me to the couch "You don't have to worry though cause I'm used to it now" I said but she still refused to believe me

Gigi: "Bella, I'm your sister, I know when something is bothering and I know that you hate talking about our past but this is serious. You have lived hating and regretting that night for years" she said making something inside me click

Bella: "I killed someone G" I said unable to stop the words that left my mouth "I killed someone, I murdered someone in cold blood" I said feeling a pain within me "There's not sugar-coating that" I said and she looked at me with soft eyes

Gigi: "You had no control of your actions" she said trying to change my state of mind "No one has full control of their wolf during the first shift" she explained "And you went through something traumatic just before you could turn" she put her hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye "And you killed a man who was about to kill us. You did more good that night than bad, you saved us, all of us" she said making me close my eyes and take a deep breathe

Bella: "But only to run away and abandon your young brother" she looked at me and shook her head

Gigi: "One of us needed to stay behind and he knew that you would need me" she explained making me shake my head

Bella: "We could have went back for him or found a way to check on him" I said but she just shook her head trying to reason with me

Gigi: "Everyone thinks we are dead, it is better that it remains that way" she said making nod my head and look around to find that the house was quieter than usual "She is with Y/n and our baby" she said noticing me scanning the house

Bella: "How did you even find out about the dreams anyway" I asked and she just sat there with a smirk on her face

Gigi: "I want to say sister telepathy but in reality Hailey told me" she said making me glare at her playfully before nodding "Don't be mad at her, she was just worried about you" she said making me shrug and sigh

Bella: "By the way I need to talk to you about something" I said facing her with seriousness "The other day, I joined the petrol team and we found some paw prints along the border" she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at me confused "The paw prints were larger than an average wolf and that wolf is not part of our pack" she sat up and looked at me with concern across her face

Gigi: "So he really is here" she said making me look at her confused

Bella: "Who?" I asked but she just stayed quiet and avoided eye contact "G, who? Who is here?" I repeated, she hesitated before she muttered the absolute worst answer in history

Gigi: "Dad is here"

The Forbidden BondOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora