Chapter 7

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(SEIZURE WARNING FOR THE VIDEO! The video shows what his eyes look like wen they are flashing.)

HAHA! YOU THOUGHT I WAS DEAD! But seriously, sorry for not giving out updates. 


Is that the pro hero Midnight. Deku stared her up and down, looking for anything hinting that it wasn't her. There wasn't any. Deku's eyes finally stopped flashing, revealing his dusty emerald eyes.


The young villain stared her up and down, his eyes still flashing. She was still surprised at his expression. He usually had an insane smile plastered on his face that stretched from cheek to cheek.  But now, He had a straight face. His eyes eventually stopped flashing and Midnight was horrified. 

His eyes looked sad and in pain. One was dusky green and looked as though it was once bright. The other, was blood red. Around his red eye was jet black. Midnight's gaze shifted to a collar that was clipped around his neck. The collar was brown leather. It had a metal clip in the front, and was on the tightest hole.

The small boy's face softened as midnight gave him a small smile. He had many scars on his face and arms. His wrists and ankles seemed to be scared from something clamping to them. Midnight held her hand out to him, but he flinched and shut his eyes tight. Midnight brought her hand back to her sad and looked at all might. His usual smile was weak. 

~Why does he look so dead?~ (Not literally you frikin' psychos) Midnight thought. Recovery girl sighed loudly, turning the heroes attention to her. Recovery girl opened the door and waved for them to follow her. Midnight and All might glanced at each other, and then followed her.


Deku sat in the white room, still tied to the chair. ~I wonder what happened to eraserhead...~ He thought. ~ Wait if i'm here, then is eraserhead at the base alone?~ He asked himself in a panic. He started to squirm around again, causing even more rope burn. 

He hissed at the thought of eraserhead taking his place at the lab. Deku then thought of an idea to get out. he spread one of his wings, and reached it over to his hands. it took many tries, but he eventually cut the rope with the claw at the tip of his wing.

He did the same to the other hand, and then bent over. He bit the ropes off of his ankles and freed himself. 


Nezu was currently watching the kid over the security cameras. He was shocked to say the least when he easily got untied. He was even more horrified when he realized that it looked as though he had done it several times before.

The boy was currently muttering something about aizawa and how the league better not hurt him. ~That's sweet...~ Nezu thought. "Wait!" Nezu said out load. (All though no one else was in the room.) "He doesn't realize that Aizawa is ok." He said sadly.

The boy stood up, his overgrown hair blocking his eyes. He reached up to his head and tucked those pieces behind his ears. He spread his wings out wide, probably stretching them. Nezu watched in silence as the boy examined the room. 

The boy turned towards the one thing in the room, a window, and his eyes lit up. His instantly limped up to it. Nezu expected him to try to escape, but much to his surprise, he just looked. A blue bird land on the window sill, causing the boy's eyes to gleam even brighter. It was quite and adorable sight.


Izuku watched as a winged creature landed on the window sill. He slightly tilted his head at it. ~What is this thing?~ He thought as he tapped the window. That probably wasn't what he was supposed to do because the creature jumped and flew away.

Izuku's eyes traveled around the outside. ~The outside...~ He thought. The l.o.v. never let him even see the outside. The only living creature other then humans that he saw were some mice that would scurry across his small, dark room.

Izuku jumped when his horns accidentally hit the window. He sighed and scratched at the collar that was clamped on his neck. The collar that he hated. The l.o.v. basically kept him in their greedy hands with it.

Izuku jumped when the doorknob turned. He scurried to the farthest corner and shielded himself with his wings.

"Hey problem child. I am here with my husband."

I want to be with you, but my shackles keep me away (experiment deku)Where stories live. Discover now