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I'm finally going to continue this story but my updates will not be regular and I will probably go ghost at another point. So sorry for leaving you guys for so long.

Anyways please enjoy 😉

Izuku let the warmth of Yamada's arms encase him. It was like a shield, like master wouldn't be able to hurt him while he was here. He sat there for a moment longer, tears sliding down his face and small hiccups of sadness filling the room every couple of seconds. Izuku felt yamadas arms begin to slide down his back and he eventually let go. "Hey," Hizashi called. Izuku wouldn't meet his eyes. He wouldn't dare too. Hizashi brushed a piece of izuku's hair behind his ears causing him to flinch back. Hizashi's face softened as he laid his hand atop of Izuku's. "What would you like me to call you?" Now Izuku met his eyes. Is he asking him? Why would he ask him? He's just a vessel,  a useless nomu- "you said your name was midoriya Izuku, but  you also said that your... erm.. master, called you 01?" Hizashi seemed to stumble on his own words. Izuku's eyes drifted to the side out of habit. He let in a deep breath and exhaled. "I.... I-Izuku. Izuku would be n-nice." He stammered. Hizashi's smile widened. "That's great little listener!" He beamed. Izuku didn't understand. Usually if he responded to master he would get hit or beaten. Sometimes if master was in a really bad mood, he would cut his arms with toga's knives. Oh how much he hated toga's knives. They were sharp and the hurt a lot. But the worst part was the sickening sound they made when they sliced through skin-

Suddenly, Izuku was in a place he recognized. He really really wished he didn't recognize it. The clamps around his feet were to tight. They were so tight that bruises had already begun to form around the area. His arms were stuck together using a pair of metal box like cuffs. The worst part of it all was the muzzle. It was meant for a dog and it dug into specific parts of his face, drawing blood. He began to squirm. No, this couldn't be happening now. What happened to the safe man. He was friendly!

"01. You have failed me again." Izuku froze. He knew that voice. It was the voice that reminded him how useless he really was. How weak he is. It always reminded him that he belonged to them. "You know what happens when you fail me right?" The voice cooed. Tears began to fill izuku's eyes. He can't cry. It will make it worse. He heard footsteps approach. Closer and closer, until they were right in front of him. Izuku curled into the wall and tried to make himself small. The man in front of him leaned down and grabbed his shoulder with four fingers. "Why don't you tell me 01?" The voice cooed. "What happens when you fail me?" Izuku whimpered. He was shaking all over. The man's fifth finger danced teasingly above his shoulder. "Well," the man said. "Why don't I just-" the man's arm reached up. "SHOW YOU." Izuku felt a pain explode in his chest. He felt the familiar feeling of hot blood pour out of the gash. The man grabbed Izuku by the hair, forcing him to look him eye to eye. "You were bad today weren't you 01?" He growled. Izuku let out a whimper. "Yes master."

"Izuku!! Follow my breathing." Someone grabbed his hand and put it on their chest. Izuku could feel the persons heartbeat and focused on it. Eventually, his breathing evened out with the help of the man's small words of encouragement. Izuku took in a few staggering breaths before looking up at the man. However, this man wasn't hizashi. ~oh~ Izuku thought. ~it eraserhead.~ Izuku pulled his hand away from where it gripped eraserhead's shirt. "I-I'm sorry." He choked out. Eraserhead sighed. "Kid, it's ok. You don't need to apologize." Izuku paused before nodding. That doesn't make sense. Master would be angry. Master would hit him. Master would cut him-
Izuku felt aizawas hand on his head and stiffened up. Aizawa paused for a moment, waiting for Izuku to relax. When Izuku finally did, (granted it took a few minutes) he began to play with his hair. He fingers intertwined with the precious green locks. He was careful as to not rip at any peices as he continued to comb through the kids hair. It was unbelievably soft. Aizawa found himself playing with the boys hair for over 20 minutes before hizashi had stopped him. "Shota," his husband called. "Look at the kid." Aizawa glanced down at the kid. Aizawa let a small smile slip onto his face. Izuku was huddled in his arms, fast asleep. He was holding onto aizawas shirt and it reminded aizawa the he really was just a kid. The kid looked so calm and content. He didn't look like the villain kid he had known him to be just 24 hours ago.

The longer aizawa looked at the kid the more he has realized, the kid was truly broken and needed someone to help pick up the peices. Aizawa examined the kids freckles and tan his fingers across the kids cheek. He let out a small breath. "I will help you, Izuku."

I hope you guys enjoyed this part and I am truly sorry for leaving you guys for so long. Hopefully this satisfies you heathens for long enough so I can write a long chapter.

Goodnight my friends!! Eat food and stay hydrated. Oh and I know it's definitely late at night when your reading this. Don't you have school tomorrow? Go to bed!!!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2022 ⏰

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