Experiment (memory)

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     Deku's eye lid felt as though their were bags of rocks hanging on them. He forced his eyes open too see his bare, room.  He was chained to the wall, as always. The bright white walls were covered in splashes of blood. 

~Huh?~ He thought as he looked down to see a bottle of liquid. weirdly enough, the liquid was flashing rainbow, very quickly though. ~Another experiment...~ He thought as he grabbed it and took the cap off. 

Deku lifted the bottle up to his mouth, and started to drink it. nothing happened at first. ~that's ood.~ He thought. After he drank it all, he felt a sudden pain in his throat. Then, he dropped the bottle. The glass shattered everywhere. Then, blood started dripping out of his mouth.

He squinted his eyes shut, trying to ignore the pain. But he couldn't. It was absolute agony. he grabbed his hair as tight as he could. All of the sudden, His eyes snapped open and he felt a terrible pain in his head and back. His eyes flashed the same way the the liquid did. Same color and timing. He started screaming and gasping for air.

Blood started To gush from his head and back. Black horns grew on his head. black dragon wings grew from his back. A pitch black spot formed around his eye. (Like todoroki's burn scar.) The agony felt as though it had lasted forever...

When it was over, deku said the only words he could get out...

"What... did you do... to me?..."

Then, his vision went black.

I want to be with you, but my shackles keep me away (experiment deku)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora