Pure happiness

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Basically this is an angsty story I wrote for my writing competition but I'm replacing the names so it can be a fanfic cause I should really write something

Prompt: Pure _______. Fill in the blank and make this the title of your story

Title: pure happiness

TW: implied unaliving

"Dear Jeremy,

I know you probably won't read this"

Jeremy won't care. Chances are he won't even read the letter. He won't miss me. Nobody will. Right?

"But I've addressed and written this to you in the hopes that maybe you'll care at least a little bit"

I walk through my house, the familiar path of the halls leading me to my desired room, the bathroom.

"I know nobody really will, but if I was going to write about this I wanted to address it to someone"

I hesitate before grabbing what I want.

"Everyone thinks of me as pure happiness, that's a well known fact, but it's so much pressure. I can't do this anymore, I try so hard constantly to make everyone around me happy while keeping up the persona of pure happiness I'm known to have."

All the times I've been forgotten, the years upon years of repressed feelings, it all raves through my head. When was the last time I've portrayed anything but happiness with occasional anger?

"I've kept up the act so well, but when I'm acting for so long, it's only a matter of time before it's only an act. I've been acting for so long I don't know what it feels like to actually be happy anymore. "

Is it bad to say I don't remember?

"So I guess that brings me to why I'm writing this letter in the first place. I'm tired, I'm really tired. I can't keep up the facade for any longer. It's work me down to pencil shavings"

I finally grab what I need.

"And what do we do with pencil shavings? We throw them away."

I leave my piece of paper on my desk before sitting on the floor.

"So, I guess I'm doing that with myself now. I'll miss you.


Your little ball of happiness,


I down the bottle of pills.

So ya, that's my writing from the competition. If you want I can make some more competition converted to fanfic if you liked this! Have a good day!



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