Night at the camp

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So, here I bring you another chapter, to be honest I don't want the updates to be monthly it's just that to write "good" chapter I need to be in a creative mood so I hope I can bring updates sooner rom now on. Anyway, enjoy.

Your POV: 

You followed Melascula trough the forest, you were also carrying some dead animals you found along the way. What is she planning? Why did she stop there? And where is she going? YOu felt the sweat dripping down your body, everything you did with her and the fast pace at which you both were going was starting to tire you up.

She stopped floating and made her dark matter dissapear. You noticed that the forest was starting to end and you were heading to a clearing, a very familiar clearing. You soon noticed that Melascula was heading to the camp and you started to panic, was she planning to kill everyone? You swallowed saliva and approached her

-Hmmm, so this is where the sweet smell of fresh souls was coming from, I'm guessing this is what is left from your town- she said

-Y-Yes, we are camping until it gets repaired, what are you planning to do?

She looked at you and smiled innocently

-You will see soon enough, don't worry I won't kill any humans...for now

That last part sent a chil down your spine. You saw how easy was for a red demon to take a human soul, she was at least 100 times more powerful than that she could easily wipe this place clean with a blink

Mel headed to the entrance and you followed suit. The guard grasped his weapon but relaxed his fingers once he saw you

-Oh, who is this girl Y/N? A friend you didn't tell anyone about?- he asked winking

-Y-Yeah, she is a friend from another town that I met...a couple days ago, her name is...

-Mel- she interrupted you and shook the guard's hand -My, what a strong hand you have, you sure are strong- you noticed the false sweet tone she used when you first met her

The guard let you in and you headed to the kitchen area, where the cook was waiting for you.

-Ah Y/N! I see you brought  quite a feast, with this I think we will have enough for three days, thanks a lot!

-No problem, my pleasure to help

You walked away from the cook and saw Mel walking around the camp examining everything, many others were looking at her, some just gave curious glances, others hungry stares. Her clothing was unnusual and her body was sublime so you could understand that some of your single (and even some married) neighbours had their eye on her. 

You anxiously walked towards her to make sure she didn't do anything weird and when she noticed you she giggled at herself and quickly hugged your arm, her chest pressing against your limb and side ribs. You were a little surprised by this and when you looked around you the faces of your friends and neighbors had suddenly changed from curious and interested to utter jealousy and envy. Melascula's eyes gave away that she enjoyed crushing the others hopes and you could see very clearly her signature look of superiority.

Then she started to drag you to your tent and went inside, motioning for you to do the same. Once inside you closed the tent and when you tuned back to face her your eyes were greeted by the sight of Mel undressing and lying in your bed

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