Special: The massage

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Hey, hey! Yes, yes I know, took me a while to publish something, but with both being lazy, AND then being sick it wasn't a good combo. But here you have it in all it's glory. Also, by the time this comes out the next one will be almost done, so expect it to drop in like a week or two.

Then again I remind you that this is a special, aka: this is not canon to the original story, it is it's own standalone. But I won't pester you any longer, enjoy

Your POV

You whistled cheerfully while walking down the hall of the enormous stone keep you were in, as a result of befriending some of the Seven Deadly Sins you got a chance to act as their "spokesman" to aid in the restoration of their reputation. This was a weird job you accepted, but in return Merlin promised to keep Mel at bay and hidden and you would be rewarded with some extra gold, so win-win

You were all staying at the fort in the western hills, near Baste prison, apparently someone got a bit lazy and forgot to properly count the supllies you had left for the journey, so now you were waiting for the shipment to come while you rest. You didn't really mind this at all, although a bit scary, the eight members of the peculiar group were fun to hang around and they had great stories to tell, you were getting to know each of them pretty well, the talking pig was still weird tho...

You walked pass a wooden door, a small thread of light penetrated into the dark corridor, revealing that there was someone inside, either that or whoever was there never got taught how expensive the lamp oil taxes were

You peeked inside the room and saw a slender silhouette laying on top of a simple bed, the room seemed like a small barrack, not destined for common soldiers, maybe a general? The mysterious indivudual groaned in what sounded like mild pain or discomfort. You tried to get a good look on who that person was, the oil lamp next to them was blinding you with its light.

Taking a small step you leaned against the door, you could indentify that the clothes that person was wearing were good quality. Some fancy boots were laying at the corner of the bed, long slender legs were moving rhythmically while the unknown stranger removed some stockings from them... wait what?

Curious about what exactly was happening you tried to lean in more, but your feet miscalculated the distance they needed to move and you ended up stepping on yourself and falling head first into the stone cold floor while slaming the door open with the weight of your body

-Ouch, ahg! Son of a...- you got up from the floor and dusted off your clothes, you felt your nose heating up and felt with your fingers if liquid was droping from your nostrils

-A... Are you alright?- a female concerned voice echoed through the room, the tone was sweet, caring and honest, it was a voice you knew all too well, a voice that belonged to...

-E-E-E-Elizabeth!? I- I mean, princess Elizabeth!- you were taken aback, did you just try to spy on princess Elizabeth? The very person who entrusted you to travel alongside everyone here?

She rushed out of her bed and cupped your head with her hands, tilting it and inspecting the wound

-You are hurt!- she exclaimed, deeply worried

-D-don't worry! I uh, I will be fine hehe- you akwardly tried to shake it off, not wanting her to process that you barged inside her room

-Nonsense! I will personally take this matter into my own very hands, how can I be a part of the royal family if I don't tend to those in my care?

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