Derieri's turn

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Your POV

You nervously stared at the blonde girl while Mel sat on the floor and streched

-So......what is she doing here?- you asked 

-Good question, she must have came looking for me, I don't know why, I was supposed to have the day off- said Mel

Derieri just stared blankly without saying a word

Suddenly somethig went through your head, something that you never thought until now

-Wait, what happened to the other villagers?- you asked with concern -You didn't.....kill them, right?

Melascula turned her head to face you

-Oh didn't I tell you? I used my magic and made them all sleep, that's why I walked around the camp for a while. I didn't want them to interrupt our...session- she said the last part with a grin

You let out a sigh of relief and then your eyes started to look at Mel, then the girl, and so on. You were very nervous, that girl, Derieri was it? She was a comandment aswell, so she was also a demon, she could just kill you and everyone in this camp and you were sure Melascula wouldn't stop her.

-So.....what are you going to do?- you asked Derieri- I mean, are you going to kill everyone? Eat our souls? 

Again, Derieri just stared at you without a clear expression, you couldn't guess what was going through her mind

-No, if she wanted to eat you she would have done it already- said the pink-haired demon -She came here looking for me because we were assigned to explore and gain power, but I wanted to have a little fun, can you blame me Derieri? You can also relate to me right? Being in that hole for 3000 years and not having the chance to truly satisfy your needs. As a woman you surely understand- Melascula was making that characteristic grin, she knew she was right

-To say it in few words, it's not like I blame you- said the blonde demon

-Well of course you can't, all those thoughts about revenge and feelings of wrath and hatred surely left you feeling a little... empty- Melascula giggled as she saw Derieri blush ever so slightly

You cleaned yourself and put on your pants, as you did that Mel got up and started to float

-Well Derieri, I really recommend you find yourself a good rod to relieve all that stress we have, it's really liberating- she giggled as she went out of the tent with her clothes on her arm -I'm going to clean myself in the river, don't break him too much while I'm gone

And just like that you two were alone in the tent

Derieri's POV

You looked at the human sitting in front of you, he was obvioulsly nervous and kept gazing at you from time to time. Melascula would be gone for a while so you took a sit on the floor and started at him

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