The duo

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Hey hey! New chapter as promised, hope you enjoy it. I won't take more of your time, this story has gone without updates for far too long

Your POV

You turned your head to see a floating Melascula, her arms crossed and her stance menacing. She had an expression of annoyance, you couldn't really tell if she was pissed or not, it looked more like.... jealousy?

-I should be the one asking you Derieri, what are you doing here?- said Mel clicking her tongue

-I asked first- Derieri turned her head away from the annoyed girl and snuggled more with you

Mel sighed with a defeated expresion, she floated closer to the two of you -I am here because Y/N here was absent for quite some time, and as I got out of the tent your filthy aura started going nuts so I came here and what do I see? Nothing else than you lovingly embracing my little toy

-Your little toy?- Derieri asked with her eyes still closed -He is not precisely "little"- she exclaimed while using her thigh to slightly rub your crotch

Mel used her black aura to grab you by the arm and pulled you to the side making fall from the rock you were sitting on. The blonde girl jumped from your lap and landed perfectly on the ground, as she stood up Mel faced her, both her faces inches away

-Look Mel, this is not what it looks like- you said as you tried to prevent a conflict between the two of them

Melascula looked at you with her eyebrow arched -Really? Because her breath reeks of cum, she is... even more naked than she usual and you both were together alone in the middle of the dark, so it looks like you both had some fun of your own and Derieri used my human without any permission

-Well.... then it is exactly what it looks like- you said defeated

Derieri tilted her head and hummed, she then closed her eyes and started sniffing around Mel, she squatted and got her nose mere millimeters away from the purple haired woman's crotch. Mel backed away from the sudden movements of her partner as she stared at her with the same puzzled expression that you had. She looked at you and you shrugged while the wild girl sniffed around the grass and bushes nearby

-Eeerm, Derieri? What exactly are you...- 

-Found it- she interrupted you before turning her head towards Mel -You can't fool my nose

-W-what do you mean?- Mel looked confused but also... nervous? Just what the hell was going on?

As you asked yourself this questions you started to dress yourself up, being naked in the forest at night wasn't a very good idea if you intended to keep your body warm

Mel cleared her throat -Anyways... why don't we head back to the tent, it's freezing out here, my spotless skin deserves warmth

-Running away from the scene?- asked Derieri with her arms crossed

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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