The experiment

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Aaaaaand we're back bois and gals let's get right into it

Your POV:

You woke up, you tried to recall what happened last night,you most likely fainted due to Mel's demands, when she gets in the mood no one can stop her and you better do what she tolds you to do. You looked around, the tent was empty, you were wearing clean underwear and there weren't any puddles or stains of... liquids.

You got dressed and exited the tent looking for Mel, you walked around the camp a bit and were extremely shocked to see her chatting with the other neighbours sitting around a table, they seemed to be having a chill afternoon chat and you approached to see if everything was alright

-... and after all I went through I realised that I had it in my pocket all along- a young man with short hair and a goatee just finished telling a story, it was Pete, and most likely it was the story on how he went looking for the ring he was going to use to propose to her wife, he loved that one. The group shared a chuckle and then Melascula saw you, she smiled and got up from her seat

-Well, well well, if it isn't the man of the day, say Y/N why didn't you tell us that Mel here was your new girlfriend? I know that is your own private life but c'mon man, we are bored to hell around here- a bearded strong looking man with bushy eyebrows laughed as he talked

-Well, erm... I didn't really have a good chance to say it Bert, and I didn't think it would be that important- you replied

-Ah well at least try to keep it down at night, the old ones like us need our sleep hours- said Laurien, one of the elders while winking

You blushed at the thought that they might have heard you during the night. Mel hugged your arm and walked you inside the tent, you sat down and covered your face with your hands, your face red

-Relax, they didn't hear anything, you proably didn't even notice but everytime we have sex I use a part of my dark aura to cover the inside of the tent so noise can't break through it- she said this while snickering at your embarrasment

You sighed with relief, that meant that you could scream and moan without a care, you then looked at Mel and you got stunned, you didn't notice it but she wasn't wearing her usual clothes due to them being washed, but instead she was wearing a red plaid country shirt, that was a little bit tight in the chest area, with a knot so it would leave her belly button exposed, aswell as a pair of short used jeans that exposed a little bit of her butt, complemented with some sandals, you couldn't help but think that she looked pretty hot

-Hmm? Oh! my clothes? I asked some women in the morning ifthey had some spare clothes since mine were benig washed, they said I could keep it, I find their selflessness extrange, they have so little yet they give away their belongings, humans are stupid creatures, but I will take their offerings

You laughed a little at her statement

-What's so funny?- she asked a bit annoyed at your snickering

-It's just that... well they do have little, we managed to escape from a demon attack by very little and grabbed very few supplies and belongings, but still, if a girl with no clothes came to me asking if I had something I would give her some of mine, it doesnt matter how few I have, and if we all give even just one article of clothing she will eventualy have clothes to help her fight the cold. That's just human empathy, we help others in need even if we have little to nothing, it gives hope  

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