Part 5: Alfred Ultimate Plan

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2nd May 1978:

News about Gordon Unfortunate demise soon spread across the island and every single engine was devastated. Despite Gordon most of time being arrogant, rude or boastful, he meant no harm and was still their friend. Gordon sudden demise also would put the north western railway reputation in line as he was the main express engine and the express gives the most currency to the railway. Normally when Gordon was unavaliable, Henry or James were the stand by express engines but since now even Henry was gone too, it left with James. Knowing that James could not handled the express and his regular jobs, he had bear, boco and alice, the Atlantic c1 steam engine help with the express and gave emily the task as the permanent flying kipper engine. However despite this, Sir topham hatt knew he needed another engine to be the permanent express engine but first, they had to get rid of Alfred first. Fearing the railways and the engines safety, the fat controller had send both edward and duck earlier to the bluebell railway to get help from lady, the magic engine. After Edward and Duck had been loaded on a ship and headed to the mainland, the fat controller had to find engines to cover for duck and edward jobs. He finally decided that nia was to look after duck duties while he pulled molly off the ballahoo branch to help the brendam branch.

Meanwhile, somewhere in hell....
Alfred watched as the engines continue doing their jobs, it disgust alfred of how these pathetic engines have yet to be scrapped, it was morning on sodor which was the reason why ghosts like alfred cant act. The sun act like some sort of barrier to keep out evil sprits from the living world but the evil b12 was soon to change that. He turned and watched Timothy approached him, "Ahh tell me tim, how is my wonderful guests doing?". (Btw its timothy the ghost engine not the timothy that works at the clay pits, and if your wondering what he looks like, one eye is red, the others is normal. Hes not the demonic type that you usually know. His secret would be reveal in future updates). Timothy gave alfred a fake smile, "They doing wonderful boss". Alfred smiled as he glanced in the direction of a large cage and inside sat three engines all looking lifeless, they still look like they were alive but they were motionless and instead of their usual paint, they were black and grey and white. It look as if they were stopped in time. "I am glad u finally call me your boss tims" smirked alfred as he approached the large cage. Timothy scowled at the b12 back, he didnt want to do this and he hated calling the b12 his boss, no one is his boss. Timothy felt the worst when he had to freeze thomas when he was killed and trapped in hell by alfred. However, timothy was not as strong as alfred so if he doesnt do the orders from that psychopath, alfred could easily destroy him. They were several others that help that b12, some being: the eyes who was constantly asleep, likely that weird thing was spying the engines of sodor. Ever since the eyes possessed diesel 10 years ago to take over sodor, that blasted magical engine lady had saved diesel 10 from his inner captive and had trapped the eyes in hell. Alfred looked at the three engines and laughed, "Once i get my buffers on two more of your pathetic friends, i would finally be able to be reincarnated as a living engine once again thanks to the help of all of you and finally get my revenge on that wretched island". Timothy gulped when he heard that, it was true. He knew that in order for alfred to be reincarnated, he needed five sacrifices and he already got three, he just needed two more. But timothy knew it had to be a specific group of engines: 4 that were on sodor when he met his demise and one being his replacement. That means he needed: Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon and James. He already got The three, now all he need was Edward and James. On the back of his mind, what alfred didnt know was timothy knew that edward and duck were on a mission to find lady, he hoped that they would be successful, he would try is best to prevent spilling anything to the b12. As long as he cant get all five of them, his plan wont be able to succeed.

Back on sodor, it was already night. It had been a day since edward and duck had left sodor to find lady. Unfortunately, bear was meant to take the midnight express(yeah the fat controller was dumb for not cancelling the late night trains but this was the last night before all other night trains are cancelled indefinitely)but his engine had failed and since alice was trapped in the shed at barrow due to the turntable jamming and boco having trapped in the sidings at brendam(Wow the plot convenience -_-)James had been assign to take the last night express to vicarstown where he would sleep in the sheds there. James grumbled dreadfully as he was exhausted and needed his beauty sleep even though he love pulling coaches. During his journey, james had been thinking about his friends that died: Thomas, Henry and Gordon...Sodor just wasnt the same without them and he missed them so badly. However james luck was about to run out as unknown to him, watching him rushing pass with the express was alfred and timothy. Alfred smiled with malice, "Ah there is one of the engines i need to complete my mission". Timothy tried to hold back the b12, "Boss dont you think its a bit early to get your next target? It hasn't even been a week since gordon demise, do u really want to act now?". "SILENCE!" snapped alfred as he glared annoyed at the sliver e2 tank engine, "If you are a coward timothy, i will do this instead of you". Alfred disappeared to start with his plan as timothy prayed that edward and duck would be able to find lady and stop alfred once and for all.

James was making good time as he raced pass crosby and was soon about to enter wellsworth when suddenly, he wasnt sure if his eyes was playing tricks on him, a line of fuel tankers appeared on the tracks in front of him. "DRIVER BRAKES!" yelled a panicked james as his crew threw on the brakes at maximum but it was too late especially with the heavy express coaches pushing into the back of james. The the red engine smashed into the tankers and flew off the rails smashing to the bridge in front of him causing it to collaspe and crushed james and a few of his coaches. The tankers exploded afterwards destroying everything in its area. Darkness immediately claimed james vision and when we was next awake, he was surprised to still be alive although beyond repairs. His entire body was badly burned and several parts of his bolier was missing and you could see his insides, his tender was charred into ashes and his wheels was scattered everywhere but badly burned too, his face was so burned that he lost one of his eyes and his face was the colour of charcoal, the pain was unbearable. Worst was that every single one of his passengers including his crew and guard had perished, all that remained of them was their charred skeletons and some of them beyond recognition. James found himself in a large burning black crater with the remains of his coaches and the bridge, tears started rolling down his cheek, the tears hurting him bad, "this is all my fault, i should have been able to stop in time, their deaths are my cause". Suddenly, james felt an evil presence next to him and saw a b12 standing on some tracks that still were intact but badly burned. At this point, james has accepted his fate: his passengers and crew had died because of him(no it isnt), three of his closest friends had died and he couldnt bare with this unbearable pain, he wouldnt be able to be repair anyways, he would be scrapped. "So u accept your fate rusted red iron?" Sneered the evil b12 where james knew it was alfred but didnt care anymore. James said nothing as he closed his eyes as he felt his life being drained out of his body. Just as a darkness which was going to overcome him forever, james smiled and croaked a few last words, "We would soon be reunited my friends". Simple as that, James face on the engine was gone and all that remained was his hollowed out scrapped remains of his engine. Alfred let out a evil malicious laughter that caused the surviving trees and grass from the explosion nearby to died, "Four down, one more to go. Prepare Sodor for your inevitable destruction".

P.S: I am sorry for no updates for a long time, i needed a long break and i had started writing another book and school as started for me. So i can only update on weekend but that doesnt mean i would do it every weekend. It only happens when i feel like doing it, i can be a bit lazy too :/

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