Part 6: My Little Puppet

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3rd May 1978,

(Finally a new part...after many months. Sorry guys, i have been just busy in real life to be able to update this. So if your waiting for the next part, u might need to wait for a few months)

Everyone knew it would have happened, that fat f*ck should have cancelled all night trains as soon as Gordon met his end, why didnt he listen? Now because of this mistake, james is now dead, and the railway was closer to being closed down. The news about the accident as well as all the previous ones have spread across the world. Lesser and Lesser ppl were coming to the island, Sodor residents were starting to take the roads instead and many people were calling how bad of a railway sodor is. The Fat controller blamed James and all others death on himself. The other engines? They were devastated too.

Meanwhile in Hell,
Alfred watched as a new engine magically appeared in the cage alongside Gordon, Thomas and Henry. The engine was James but he wasnt in his usual shiny red paint anymore. Instead, his expression was montionless and his eyes were lifeless. He was also black, grey and white like the other engines. "Perfect" said Alfred to himself, "All is coming along nicely, soon it would be time". Watching from the back with warily eyes was Timothy. Oh god, this is not good, he got James now, it is in a matter of time before he gets Edward. C'mon Eddie and Duck, Please Hurry, thought the silver e2 tank engine. Suddenly, Alfred teleported right in front of timothy taking him by surprise. The demonic B12 stared coldly into timothy eyes and spoke softly yet dangerously, "You arent planning on betraying or hiding something from me are u tims?". The E2 gulped, "Definitely not boss". The B12 stared for a second before puffing back to the cage of engines, "Good, i wouldnt want to replace one of my henchmen now do you?". Timothy looked down at his buffers, "No". But deep in his mind, timothy wanted to kill alfred but he wouldnt stand a chance. Alfred stared for a good few minutes at the caged engines before the 'Eyes' spoke up, "Boss, may i suggest something?". Alfred didnt turn to look at the eyes but at the countless scrap remains of both diesels and steamies in Hell, "Well? Go on". "I think u should get another minion". Replied the eyes. Alfred eyes perked up and glanced at the eyes, "What do u mean?". The Eyes(I am tired of calling him the eyes, imma give it a name, Draga) explained, "Well sir, i mean doesnt having a minion spying for u in the real world amazing? This way, you can get all the information u need and also caused up some chaos in the daylight. It would also be good to have another engine in our team". The b12 thought for a second, it was actually a good idea, none of those sudrains fools would suspect a thing. "Thats a good suggestion Draga but....which engine do u think i should get on the team?" Asked Alfred. Draga just looked at alfred, "Thats for u to decide". It seemed like forever before alfred had chosen the perfect one to join the team. "Ah yes, i think i know the perfect one to join our team to conquest and destroy sodor. Come along timothy, we got a engine to catch" smiled Alfred before he disappeared from Hell. The eyes aka draga stared at timothy as if it knew what the e2 was thinking before leaving to do something else in the fiery domain. This is not good...thought timothy as he teleported to join Alfred.

Oliver was annoyed. He was really hoping to get back to his nice warm shed at the little western after taking a load of flatbeds to the ironworks at kildane but his luck had ran out, He soon found out the points switching back to the mainline had jammed and he was stuck in the ironworks. Because of this the great western engine had to stay for the night with toad trapped in the siding. As there was no place to stay for the night(it was evening) and the worksmen wouldnt come till morning to fix the points, Arry and Bert, the ironworks twins was tasked to take the crew, guard back to knapford where they would stay at the sheds there for the night. The twins snickered and laughed at oliver situation, "Bye bye Olie, dont get spooked by the kava monster". "Shut it you rotten bananas" snapped oliver. Toad whom was at the back of oliver replied, "At least you got me Mr oliver". The no.11 engine sighed, "I guess its not so bad toad". As the sun set and the moon started to rise, oliver couldnt help but feel uneasy. Suddenly thick fog started coming down and covered the entire ironworks making it impossible to see 10 feet in front. The only thing oliver can see is the glowing red light of the pools of lava. "I dont like this" muttered oliver as memories of Gordon, James, Henry deaths flashed across his mind. Suddenly, oliver swore he saw a shape on the tracks in front of him. "Hello?" Called out Oliver nervously, "Arry? Bert is that you?". The shape drew closer and it was then  oliver realised it was a steam engine and not a diesel. "Donald? Douglas? You two better not be playing a prank one me!" Yelled a slightly annoyed oliver. At that moment, two glowing red eyes flashed in front of oliver, surprising him. "What the Fu-". Before he could finished the sentence, The engine shot forward, buffer to buffer and as the gwr engine vision started to blurred, he heard the faint voice, "Boo! Soon u will be very useful indeed oliver...." Darkness immediately enveloped Oliver.

When he woked up, oliver find himself in a strange place, everywhere was red with flames and scrap everywhere. The place was also very warm which quickly brought consciousness back to the gwr engine. "Where am I?"he said to himself. One moment he was at the ironworks and another he was here. Oliver then set out a high pitched scream when he saw what else was on the ground....dead corpses of humans and skeletons everywhere. It was literally like a nightmare. "Well well well, looks like little greenie has woke up at last". Oliver then saw the same engine he saw back at the ironworks before he was knock out. He immediately recognize the engine from what everyone had been describing, "A-Alfred..." stammered Oliver with shock and fear. The b12 smiled, "Looks like i am quite famous amongst you sodor engines". Oliver then picked up his courage and spoke, "What do u want of me?" Alfred then taunted oliver, "ooooo greenie is trying to be brave and well to answer your question, you will soon find out". As if was magic, the wall behind alfred collasped revealing toad tied to several strings directly above a flaming hot lava pool with skeleton skulls in them. "TOAD!" Shouted oliver, the breakvan shouted back too. "You will do as i say if u dont want this to happen". Smirked alfred as he lowered the breakvan into the lava pool. The breakvan immediately screamed out of agony before he was quicky lifted back up, his wheels completely melted. "STOP!" screamed oliver, this was torture. Alfred glanced back at the gwr engine, "Will u do as i say?". Oliver gritted his teeth, "Yes". Suddenly, oliver felt the lid to his water tank magically opened up. Alfred smiled and suddenly a weird strange purple-red potion floated above the opened water tank. Before oliver could say anything, the content all spilled into the tank. Once it was all in, the lid closed and oliver started screaming in agony, his eyes shut. Alfred started cackling like a psychopath while toad started screaming for oliver. Annoyed by toad screams, the b12 quickly shut him up by knocking him out. Satisfied, he turned back to oliver to see the results, the gwr engine started bleeding from his closed eyes and his steam was turning into crimson blood red. "YES!" laughed alfred as oliver screams became louder and louder before it all suddenly came to a stop. Silence, then the steam from oliver turned back to white and the blood tears disappeared. Then oliver spoke, "Whats ur command master?". Alfred was smiling evily with glee, "Yes Yes! My plan is coming along nicely. Since i have time before i get my last target, i shall have a little fun with my new puppet on that wretched cursed island and its disgusting engines".

*P.S: At this point, the chapters/parts wont be out in schedules but when i feel like updating the stories. Next update would probably be months later or worst, a year :/*

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