Part 3: Edward's Plan

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1st May 1978:

Edward Pov:

I was extremely surprised and horrified when Emily told me about Alfred and what actually happened to Henry. Although i was devastated at both Thomas and Henry's deaths, i knew life would still have to go on. So the next day, before we started heading out for work, i spoke up, "Guys, there is really something i must tell and you all have to listen to it". Toby looked over at me and asked, "What is it Edward?". Before i could speak, gordon snorted, "Hurry up and speak old iron, i dont have time for chatting, the express is waiting and i cant wait" I rolled my eyes at the big blue engine attitude and told the engines about alfred and what actually happened to thomas and henry. The other engines were shocked except Gordon who just looked annoyed. Although back then, there was only me, thomas, henry and gordon knew of alfred existence, the other engines soon got to know from the stories we often told as well as the passengers who either were on the platform or in the coaches. The story of alfred demise and evil doings were very popular though no many people believed in that story, they just called it a make up story, only those who were here doing alfred reign of terror knew otherwise. Gordon snapped, "Stop telling absolutely rubbish to the others Edward! Alfred is dead, he is no longer among us! He was scrapped many many years ago! You of all engines should know that...And one last thing, Ghosts dont exist!". The big blue engine huffed with rage and got onto the turntable and left to take the express despite Emily trying to calm him down. I sighed, Gordon was always a boastful and prideful engine on sodor, sometime he may come out to be rude and arrogant but he meant no harm, its just how he is. After all, Two of his friends died and he did have a relatively bad relationship with Alfred back in the days. They were both enemies, always arguing and fighting. They never once got along well with one another despite both being in the same company, the "LNER". Meanwhile the others especially Toby and Percy believed me which i was quite surprised about. "What are we going to edward" asked a terrified and worried percy. "We must make a plan and get rid of alfred once and for all and send him back into hell where he belongs" replied a determined edward. "But how are we going to do that? How do you suppose to get rid of a super powered evil ghost?" Pointed out Toby. It was a good point but edward had still not been able to figure out a plan. I mean, how would you be able to get rid of super evil ghost? What? Call the Ghostbusters? Then suddenly an idea came to edward who told the others, "I think somebody would be able to help us, someone we know. Do you guys remember lady? The magical engine thomas saved from diesel 10 years ago?" The Engines Nodded(though they really cant). Edward continued, "Well if we go and try find her, i reckon she would be able to help us. I cant think of someone else that would able to help us". Then Percy interjected, "But edward, where will we be able to find her? And how do we get there?". Edward thought for a second before replying, "The last time i heard about lady is that she was sold to work on the bluebell railway on the mainland and to how we get there. I thinking we go by boat but that means we must tell the fat controller about this. We will try to set off in a week, the sooner the better we get rid of that monster alfred". As edward puffed out of his shed and headed towards knapford station to speak to the fat controller, Percy whispered to Toby, "I have doubts that it actually going to work". The tram engine had to agreed.

Edward arrived at knapford station and noticed that the fat controller was about to enter his office so the blue engine blew his whistle to get his attention. "Sir may i have a bit of your time pls?"edward asked meekly. Sir topham hatt sighed, "Edward you know i am very busy and i am not feeling the same. Besides, the death of thomas and henry means we have a lack of engines on the railway. Anyways speak". Edward quickly told him about alfred, how henry actually met his end, emily encounter and his plan of finding lady. Surprisingly the fat controller believed him and had a serious expression on his face, "I should have known". Edward was shocked and asked, "Sir?" The fat controller looked at edward sadly, "A few days before thomas death and a few days before henry death, i saw alfred, though i couldnt be so sure. Both times i was working late and saw alfred rushing pass the station late at night, i thought it was just a dream but it wasnt. I just shook it off my mind. Now i know i should have believe it sooner, if i had, both thomas and henry could still be alive, its all my fault. I should have known that wretched bastard from all those years ago would come back to seek revenge. My father had told me everything about that horrid engine." Edward grimaces, "It not really the time to blaming yourself sir". The fat controller sighed and glanced at edward seriously, "Listen here edward, i am going to arranged a boat for you to head to the bluebell railway so you can get lady to help. I hope she would be able to send alfred back to where he belongs. Anyways i need you to bring a partner with you, just in case." Suddenly another engine, puffed out from behind the station and spoke meekly, it was duck. "I am sorry sir for listening in but can i go with edward and help?". Edward and the fat controller looked at each other. Duck quickly added, "I have been on the bluebell railway before so i would know most of the route there and besides, i dont have much work to do". In the end, the fat controller had agreed to let duck follow edward to the bluebell railway and help bring lady back.

Later that night, both edward and duck told the others about the decision. Emily, was originally supposed to go with edward but recently ever since henry death, she has been having some trouble building up steam and hadnt feel like she once was. She promised she will stay behind and look after the others, percy and toby had agreed to help too. However, for gordon, he didnt seem to care and left the sheds to take the midnight express. But i am sorry to say, this will be the last time the engines would see that big engine again....or at least in one piece....

P.S: Sorry for the boring chapter/part, i wasnt feeling the best but dont worry, the next one would hopefully be better than this.
Btw my favourite engine is James but i liked all of the 11 engines(Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Duck, Donald, Douglas and Oliver) as well as Emily and Diesel.

Sodor Final Days(ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora