Part 4: Gordon's Fate

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1st May 1978:

Gordon Pov:

"Pah!" I snorted to myself as i was thundering down the line with the midnight express. It was a moonlit night as gordon race down the track hoping to reach vicarstown as quickly as possible so he can head back to sleep in his warm and cozy shed. Gordon was still busy thinking about what Edward said hours ago about alfred coming back. Of course, Gordon knew Alfred as both of them have been enemies since the day he arrived on the island back in 1923. But unfortunately, the big blue engine doesnt believe in ghosts, let alone demons, "Rubbish, that monster alfred is dead and he isnt coming back, i saw him getting scrapped with my own eyes, there is no way he is still alive. That Old Edward must be going crazy, Emily too. Ghosts or Demons dont exist"Gordon said to himself as he was making good time. As it was the midnight express, there wasnt any other trains running during this time and as for the flying kipper....ever since Henry's death, both Emily and James have been taking turns to take the train. Upon arrival at vicarstown station, gordon drop off his coaches at the platform for a diesel on the mainland to take it on, and so he made his return journey back to tidmouth sheds. But i am sorry to say, the big blue engine wouldnt make it back to the sheds.......

As Gordon was making his way towards Wellsworth Station, he suddenly felt the air grew colder and colder and it started to make Gordon uneasy. As the curve around the bend, to gordon horror, the entire three tracks in front of him was gone, like they have been ripped off the ground by an unknown force. Fortunately Gordon managed to stop before crashing and derailing but that didnt mean he wasnt happy. "WTF is this? How is the tracks gone? It was fine earlier when we set off from knapford?" Gordon growled. His driver inspected the scene, "It looks like something took them off the ground but i dont know who". His Fireman added, "We should reverse back towards Maron station and stay there for the night, there is no way we can get back to knapford at this point". So Gordon started reversing back towards maron station but as he approached gordon's hill, he couldnt believe what he saw. A landslide had blocken all three tracks and now it looks like the rails had gone nowhere. Gordon grumbled, "F*ck, now we are stuck". His driver sighed, "I guess you will stay here for the night, we will try and get some rest at Wellsworth and call for help in the morning". As gordon crew was preparing to leave, they heard a small hissing sound, it sound like steam hissing out of a engine cylinder. But the trio was confused, they have drop gordon's fire so it was no way him...someone was here. The hissing sound got louder, this got gordon very annoyed, "Whos there? Show yourself! Is it you Edward? James. If its one of you, help me pls. I dont want to spend the night here". Suddenly an evil born chilling laughter could be heard from in front of Gordon...that voice, it sound familiar, no it cant be, thought gordon. As if on cue, a thick white fog started rolling in and soon gordon was covered in it, he could hardly see a thing. Then he noticed what seems to be a engine right in front of him, gordon tried to get a good look but it was hard too. The Engine spoke, "Well Well Well, it looks like we have finally reunited gordon". Gordon spat, it was clear he was both terrified and confused, "Who are you, show yourself! Ghosts dont exist". The Engine before him chuckle, "You still are as naive as you were before, Gordon. You never change did you after all these years?". Gordon was shocked, "How do you know my name? Who are you?". The Fog started to fade and the big blue engine swear he could see the engine smirked, "All in good time gordon. Now as for how i know you....I will show you, its about time". The Engine immediately disappeared along with the fog, leaving gordon in a state of fear. And just as he was going to let out a sigh of relief, the engine suddenly reappear right in front of his very face....a face that still haunt gordon in his nightmares, a face gordon never wish to see again and a face that gordon thought was long gone. It was none other than the monster himself, Alfred, still looking the same with his dark green apple paint, his "LNER" on his tender and a no.3 by his cab. But now the more unsettling thing was that his eyes now shone blood red and his face seems to express a creepy smile. " cant be" stammered Gordon. Alfred smiled, "Its good to see you again Gordon, it has been awhile since i last saw you". Gordon suddenly snapped, "What are you doing back here Alfred? You died, you were scrapped for being a completely psychopath and bastard, you belong in hell!"
However this only upset Alfred who frowned. As soon as he did that, Gordon felt that he couldnt breathe, he was feeling a extremely sharp pain in his boiler and he also had the sensation that his boiler was being crushed. Alfred noticed The pain on gordon face and stopped then smiled, "How do you like my new power gordon? Its like a human getting suffocated and i like it." Gordon panted in relief and glanced weakly at Alfred, "You are a monster Alfred". The Dark Green Engine just smiled, "Thank You Gordon, I take it as a compliment. Now i have a little surprise for you before you meet your fate". Gordon was confused, "Meet my fate? What surprise?" But soon enough Gordon would find out as he heard two blood curling scream as he saw his driver and fireman both being lifted up into the air by some unknown force and were being pulled towards Alfred. "What are you doing? Let them go" shouted a terrified Gordon. Alfred smirked as he heard the two humans screaming in fear, it was just delicious hearing that, "I afraid i cant Gordon. Now watch this". Gordon face went pale, as white as snow as he watch his crew screams turns from fear to extreme pain, he then realised that the invisible force were pulling them apart. It seems like it happened in an instant as blood showered all over gordon, he glanced at his crew and nearly vomited. The two humans had been ripped apart into two and blood were oozing out of them nonstop, their eyes both had turn white and their mouths were wide open, blood coming out from it as well. Gordon stammered, the most terrified he ever had been, "What have you done?". Alfred didnt care however as he suddenly set the two men on fire after setting them onto the ground. As soon as the fire was out, what remains of the two men were charred bones remains on a bloody puddle. Now, the dark green engine turned his attention to Gordon as his eyes turned bright red and the very creepy smile return to his face, "Now its your turn Gordon. Dont worry, 'friend'. You will soon be reunited with Thomas and Henry and soon the rest of your friends will join you and this railway will crumble!". Before Gordon could speak, steam started hissing out quickly from his cylinders, whistle and funnel. The extreme pain had also return but was worse than before with the additional point that he was like being set on fire from the inside. The pain had also cause gordon face to scrunched as he started screaming in pain and also begging. The Monster, watched with a smirked as he enjoyed the scene knowing what would happen. Suddenly, holes started appearing all over gordon boiler as it crunched inwards and steam hiss out of them. The last thing Gordon could see was the sinister smile on Alfred face and gigantic explosion before everything when dark....Alfred watched as the big blue engine in front of him exploded into a blue flame. He smirked at what was remained of his enemy, burned wheels, burned cab and a tender all charred and burned badly; Gordon was dead. Alfred smiled, "Thee down...Soon this railway will crumble and the engines would soon meet their deserving fate". The Monster let out a evil cackle before disappearing in a cloud of bloody smoke like what happened the last time.

2nd May 1978:

The Fat controller was in his office when his financial director, Tom burst into the room looking frantic. "Whats going on, Tom?" Asked Sir Topham. Tom panted from exhausted and exclaimed, "You wont believe what happen Charles!". "What is it" asked Sir Topham again. Tom took in a deep breath and replied, "Alfred had struck again and witnesses had also saw what he did to Gordon and his crew. Earlier just now, Emily had taken the flying kipper and found the remains of Gordon...". The Fat controller face fell, he knew Alfred would act sooner or later, "What do you mean remains of Gordon?" He asked nervously. Tom stammered, "Well heres the thing Sir, H-Hes dead"....

P.S: End of Chapter/Part. Yes, Charles is that Sir Topham hatt specific name and Tom is his and the railway financial director. Fun fact: Gordon was actually my first fav character when i found out about thomas and friends, years ago when i am little. I still like him but my current fav is James.

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