Part 2: Aftermath

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31 April 1978:

Emily pov:

I immediately return back to tidmouth sheds after the incident early that morning. Before heading back, i had inform the station master at maron station about henry "accident" at the viaduct and straight away, boco arrived with the breakdown crane. I help with the entire rescue operation, both boco and the workmen were horrified to see the remains of Henry. I couldnt bare to see the dead body of one of my closest friends. Boco too, was upset about this. The wreckage of the trucks and Henry was recovered and was taken to the scrapyards to be melted down. Sir Topham hatt had been informed on Henry death, he wasnt happy when he received the tragic news. It seems like only I know what actually happened to Henry. The others will probably think it was a set of faulty tracks or a total tragic accident when it isnt. At the sheds, i could see the engines were ready to start work for the day but i could clearly see that they hadnt gotten over Thomas' death so telling them about Henry death now would probably break them. I was considering whether i should tell them or wait for a little longer to let them get over it but i didnt get a chance when the fat controller arrived, he seemed depressed and thats when i knew what he was going to say. He took in a deep breath and spoke, "Engines, i hate to break it to you so soon since Thomas death but i got some terrible and bad news, you all wont like it". Gordon sighed, clearly still havent forgotten about poor thomas death, "What is it, sir?". Suddenly, the controller broke down and stammered, "Henry is dead". This three words broke the engines from what they were thinking, their faces were full of shock and disbelief and realisation dawned upon them when they saw that Henry berth was empty, Henry was supposed to be back in the sheds hours ago! Percy then started in disbelief, "N-No y..y..your lying sir, Henry is alive! How can he be dead?". Percy spoke no more as he was overcome with gulit after pranking poor henry the day before as well as anguish. The fat controller sighed sadly, "We received news early this morning that Henry had came off the rails and plunge off the viaduct and into the ravine below. When we arrived with the recovery operation, it was too late. Both Henry and his crew were killed and destroyed with burn remains of Henry and charred bones of his crew. Likely the poor engine had fell off and smashed into a large hard rock at the bottom of the ravine and smashed into pieces before being blown up by the fuel tankers that fell into the ravine as well. Witnesses has claim that they saw Henry pulling the flying kipper with some fuel tankers and no one had saw henry passing pass the first station after the viaduct." The Engines started crying, Edward and Percy took this the hardest as they were the closest with Henry. Meanwhile, Emily stayed extremely silent, deep in thought.

A few days had pass and the funeral held for Henry was over and everyone returned back to their work. Everyone had thought that when thomas died, they would at least be able to move on but seems like it was impossible. Both Thomas and Henry were dead now, two of the original seven engines and the north western railway's no.1 and no.3 . It seems like the engines werent the only ones affected even humans like the fat controller. Since the deaths of Thomas and Henry, less and less tourists have been coming to the railway and some trains were cancelled which resulted in some financial problems. The tourists had questioned whether the railway was in good hands or if it was still safe. The people of sodor on the other hand, tried to avoid taking the railway and took the roads instead. The Fat controller was so depressed that we hardly see him on railway as often as before. Rumours had spread that his wife, lady hatt, died from some sort of illness, that broke sir topham even more. You can say that the railway is in trouble and if none of this was solved, tourists would stop coming to sodor and people on the island would take the road instead which will eventually lead to the railway going bankrupt or be appointed a new controller. I always feared that if the fat controller that replaced, us steam engines time would be likely up. I mean who would want to preserved a bunch of old steam pots like us? The era of steam had ended on the mainland back in the 1960s and we would probably be scrapped and replaced by diesels. I knew something must be done and i need to talk to edward about this, he is the wisest and probably know what to do. Later that day, i arrived at Wellsworth station where i saw edward resting in the siding as i approached him. Despite all the things that have happened lately, he still put out a smile, "Hello Emily! What are you doing here? Wasnt this train supposed to be taken by James?". I quickly told him that i had swap trains with the red engine so i can talk to him. "What is it that you want to ask?" Asked Edward. I took in a deep breath and told him what happen on the day when Henry died, from seeing Henry falling off with his train, his crew out cold, him getting pushed by another engine and finally the details about that engine i saw. I thought the wise engine wouldnt believe me but when i glanced at him again, he was horrified as he seen a ghost. I asked him if he was alright so he told me that apparently, back in 1923 when there was only him, thomas, henry and gordon, there was another engine, that the first fat controller called in to help build the north western railway. He was painted green and had a no.3 on his cab with the letters "LNER" on his tender. This engine name was "Alfred" and he could possibly be the most evilest engine alive during that time. It was rumoured by many workmen that the engine was possessed by satan himself and that he had killed many engines before since the day he was bulit. Back in the mainland before he came to sodor, many feared him and tried to stay far from him even his old controller who was desperately trying to get rid of the cursed engine. His chance came and sell alfred to the fat director(the first fat controller) for free. Of course, none of us or the fat controller knew of the engine horrible past but we soon would know. There were other engines working on the railway back then and Alfred and constantly held a grudge against Henry and never really liked him. Since the arrival of Alfred, some engines had gone missing to only be found in pieces or off the rails or never be found. No one actually know what happen until one day. Edward had a suspicion of alfred since the day he arrived as did the fat director so one night, they saw Alfred leaving the shed that night and decided to follow. Back in the days, there were only night good trains, usually pulled by Henry which means he was the only engine supposedly out in the night. The Fat director, Edward and Gordon would follow alfred and tried their best of not being seen. And it wasnt long till we realised that alfred was the one that killed those missing engines and was planning on getting rid of Henry as well. We were absolutely horrified and shocked to know that alfred was going to place gunpowder vans at the bottom of the hill so Henry will crashed into them with his heavy train. Fortunately we managed to stop him before he could do any real damages and trapped him. He was surprised to see us but was even more shocked to hear that the fat director was gonna send him for scrap after the terrible things he had done. Of course, Alfred wasnt happy about this and the day he was taken to be cut up for scrap, he gone mad and crazy, screaming like a lunatic that he would return and make us all pay but back then, we didnt think much of it and that day was the last we seen of Alfred. Edward then told me that Alfred must be back for revenge and became serious. We need to warn the other engines and the fat controller somehow about alfred. We knew it was difficult since it had only been a few days since both lady hatt and henry died. But we were determined to warn everyone before it was too late....

P.S: Wow...longest chapter/part i have ever wrote so far :o Anyways sorry about the delay and the cringe, second fanfiction ever wrote and the fact it something i wrote as i think :P

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