Part 1: Bad Beginnings

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30 April 1978:

Henry Pov:

I dont know whats happening but things hasnt been the same on sodor ever since thomas death...It was huge shock to us engines to heard that the no.1 engine of our railway died after a malfunction of the vicarstown bridge causing the blue engine to plunge to his ultimate demise. The poor engine suffer serious damages and was beyond repair but the worst part was, thomas died upon inmact when he fell off the bridge. With no other choice, Sir Topham Hatt decided to scrap thomas remains and held a funeral for him but that was a few months ago and many still cant get over it. Edward was extremely upset as thomas was like a son to him since both of them have been here since the beginning of the railway, without thomas, it just wasnt the same. Gordon and I, constantly have arguments as he was suppose to take the goods train to the mainland instead of thomas but when he heard he was pulling the train, he refuse to come out of his shed and thomas was the only engine available to take the train. James was remarkably depressed over the death of thomas, he havent been staying in the sheds since his death. Percy and Toby were upset too but they had learn to move on and is now helping to ruin thomas' branch line. Thomas coaches' Annie and Clarabel, were so upset but with the help of Toby, they got over it quickly. Currently, I am taking a goods train from Knapford to Barrow, the first station on the mainland. I sighed as i pass by Donald and Douglas, the twins both in intense arguments. Donald was frustrated, "Douggie i said shut those rear three trucks to the front not the back". Douglas rolled his eyes, "Do i look like i care? Plus what is the problem of shunting those trucks to the front?". Donald sneered at his twin, "Because i said so douggie". The two then started shouting at each other, their faces red with anger and rage until douglas had enough and abandoned donald to take the train by himself leaving a very shocked and furious donald. "Oh so you decide to leave your own brother behind? Fine so thats how it is, dont dare to sleep in the same shed tonight douggie! STAY ELSEWHERE INSTEAD!" Donald roared at douglas and left the station with the train. I sighed seeing this, even sir topham hatt hasnt been getting well lately. Lady hatt, his wife has been getting very ill recently and the death of thomas had really broke him. I just hope that this would all pass, and everyone would return back to normal like before.

1st May 1978:

Henry Pov:

It was the early morning when i had to pick up the flying kipper from the docks, a special fish train that run from brendam docks to the mainland which i always take, tension was still high in the shed so i was glad to leave to take my train. I coupled up the train and notice it has been a bit heavy and there were extra trucks shunted to the train. I wanted to ask Salty, the docks diesel but the guard blew his whistle so i must be off. I wouldnt even gotten the chance anyways as salty would have been call away for another important duty. But what Henry didnt see was a dark green tender engine with blazing red eyes hiding behind some trucks, out of sight watching with a evil malicious smirk and let out a soft yet dangerous voice, "The End of Sodor will come, the precious no.1 is dead and your next, Henry. No one would suspect it me". And just like that, the engine disappeared in red smoke that has the scent of blood.

Meanwhile, Henry have been making good time, his mind was soon off the stuff that has been happening lately as he was approaching the viaduct. Suddenly Henry swear he could see the back off another engine on the viaduct, the same line as him. The green engine could make out what it seems to be a dark green tender engine with six driving wheels and four smaller ones and also a no.3 on the cab as well as the words "LNER" on the tender. Henry stopped and call out, "Who are you?". No reply, Henry tried again but still no response. Henry was starting to get frustrated when he swear he saw the tracks in front of him twist and disconnect from the rails and led towards the edge of the viaduct. The green engine was starting to feel scared when he suddenly felt himself moving by himself, he tried to brake but he cant. "Driver, Fireman?" He called but quickly found out the both of them were out cold in his cab. Whats going on? Henry thought. Then his boiler went cold when he saw the engine before him was gone and was now behind his train and pushing him slowly towards the edge. "STOP!" wailed the terrified henry, "What are you doing?". Henry let out a shrill shriek as he and his train derailed and plunged into the deep ravine below and smashed hard against the rocks. What worst was that Henry had been pulling some trucks that werent meant for the flying kipper and it was full of explosives! So when the poor engine smashed into the rocks, the trucks exploded, destroying Henry and his crew. Before Henry met his end, he swear he could heard a voice saying, "Its all over now my dear henry, you would soon be reunited with that blue tank engine and the rest of your friends will soon join you in....HELL! HAHAHAHAHAHA!". A loud booming malicious laughter was the last thing henry heard before everything went black. The Engine that Henry saw before he met his unfortunate end glanced down at the remains of the green engine with a evil smirk and said with spite, "Two down, a bunch more worthless old teapots left to go, soon this whole railway would be mine...though i am not sure who will be next...but i am sure anyone of them is great". The Evil Engine let out one last evil cackle before disappearing but not unnoticed by someone. At the very back watching with fear was none other than Emily, the strling single steam engine of sodor. "Not Henry!" She cried, "I got to warn the rest before its too late!". And with that, someone finally solved the murderer behind thomas and henry but will the others believe her or will Emily be able to live to tell the tale or will the evil engine find out about her?

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