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"Oh man looks like it's coming down hard today!" I said to myself. "Heh yeah how about I let you off early today?" Suki my manager asked. "Thanks Suki, let me just grab my stuff." 

"Alright I'll be heading out now. See ya Saturday." "Alright girlie get home safe!" She yelled as I left my part time job at the local game shop, I had just started there this week. It wasn't too far from my house which was good. I didn't necessarily need the job but Suki was a family friend who needed a extra hand plus I love playing games, I get a super sweet discount so for me it was a win-win. 

As I made my way down the road I heard what sounded like meowing. I looked around trying to find where is was coming from. It was coming from this trash bag outside this local café. I investigated the area and found a ball of fluff it was a kitten, a small calico kitten who looked like they were freezing. "Oh no let's get you home to warm up." I quickly ran home. 

"Hey mom I'm home, I brought someone with me." I said with a giggle. "Oh really sweetie, I thought you didn't have any friends?" My mom said. Ouch, that's fair though my only two friends were back at my old school Akaashi and Bokuto I love and miss those guys.

 "Hey I just having made any new ones yet!" I say back. I had just moved and transferred to Nekoma in the middle of my second year. "Okay okay, who is it?" My mom asked walking to the kitchen from the living room. "Well this little guy." I smile holding up the kitten wrapped in a blue towel. I knew it would be okay with my mom she'd what you might call a 'cat lady' and who am I kidding me too. 

"Oh my goodness where did you find this little guy?!" My mom asked with an excited look. "Oh I found him near the café down the street from my job." I answered, I walked to the cabinet near the stove and pulled out a can of cat food, we always have them because my mom loves to feed the local street cats.

"So since you found him what are you thinking of naming him?" My mom asked. Well I didn't think about that till she asked "hmmmmm, Oh what about Puddin'?" I said "Oh yeah I could see that look at his little head." My mom agreed, The fur on his head looked like pudding. 

A Month Later 

Just as I thought I suck at making friends, I still text and call Keiji and Bo from time to time but they are busy practicing for the spring nationals, they play Volleyball, I'd always go to support them in their games and sometimes practices. Bo used to try and get me to be a manager but they already had two, plus it seemed like a lot of work and time away from my games, so it was a big fat NO from me. 

Although I did meet this nice girl named Emiko, she's a really sweet girl who helped my on my first day. "Hey Y/N! How'd you sleep, is Puddin' still trying to sneak out?" She asked "Hey Emiko, ughh yes no matter what I do that cat is a total outside cat." I answered I was always scared when he'd get out because the first time he did an older tabby beat him up. 

"Ahh that's too bad did you get that collar you needed?" Emiko said. "Oh no I asked the owner of the pet shop and he said they were out of stock so I have to wait till this weekend to get it." I huffed out. I needed to get Puddin' a new collar the one I have now just pops right off when he tugs it too much. I'm sure it'll be alright until this weekend. 

End Of School Day 

"Y/N you free to hang out today?" Emiko smiled. "No I have work today, sorry next time I promise it'll be my treat." I said "Oh sweet I'll hold ya to that haha, well see ya tomorrow. Bye~" She said walking out of the school entrance. 

I went home to change and now I'm on my way to work, it was a nice sunny day so I enjoyed my walk, I closed my eyes to take in the beautiful sent of the flowers and nature as I walked through the park. When suddenly I bump into someone. "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." I look up to see a pair of golden cat-like eyes "Oh that's okay I wasn't paying attention either sorry." The boy said looking back down at this game walking off in the opposite direction. 

"Wow, he has beautiful eyes." I say aloud to myself. I quickly slap my hand over my mouth once I noticed the boy could've heard me, which luckily I don't think he did. 

After Work 

"Ahh I'm pooped I wonder what mom made for dinner." I spoke to no one in particular, I had a habit of talking to myself. "Hey ma what's for dinner." I said as I entered my home. There was no answer I walked into the kitchen to see a note my mom left saying she'd have to stay at work tonight and for me to order out. "Ah that's too bad guess I'll feed Puddin' first." I said looking for him. "Puddin'!" I called out he usually comes running to me as soon as I walk in. 

"Puddin'?" Oh no the window is open, I ran outside to see his collar on the grass. I went house to house looking for my Puddin' and I went to the other streets in the end I couldn't find him. I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks. I was scared because he was still a kitten and I lost him what if something bad happened to him and I wasn't there to protect him. I made my way home holding his red collar in my hand realizing that even if someone found him there was no way of knowing who to call or where to return him. I ran to my room to make Lost posters with a picture of him and my number with a small reward just in case that makes the search quicker. I'll put these up early tomorrow morning before school. 

I fell asleep holding his collar in my hand that night, who knew that one kitten could change my life forever. 

My Calico Kenma x ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang