The Next Day Pt. 1

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The beginning of this chapter will be in the perspective of Kenma.


I made my way to my local game store to pick out the newest games that were released. 'Ah these should keep me busy for while.' I thought as I walked to the cashier. "Oh heya Kozume haven't seen you in a while, that must mean you finished the last game you got huh?" The store owner asked, Honestly I didn't remember her name but I didn't wanna be rude either. "Ah yes ma'am." I said in a low voice. As she finished scanning them I paid and put them in my bag. "Alright see ya later kiddo." I waved to her as I left the store to go home.

I pulled out my switch to play while I walked home through the park. It was a nice day, I mean not too cold or hot which was nice I hated when it was too much of either of those. I was walking, not really paying attention to my surroundings, when I felt someone bump into me. It was a girl. "Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."  She apologized with a slight bow. I glanced at her she had beautiful (e/c) eyes, and a sweet honey like voice. I quickly responded in a low voice. "Oh I wasn't paying attention either, sorry." I looked down at my game I hated making eye contact with people for too long or at all for that matter.

 I turned to walk away when I heard the girl say "Wow, he has beautiful eyes." I smiled at her words as I continued my way home. 

Next Day 

I made my way out of my house, to see my friend Kuroo waiting for me. "Hey Kenma, you didn't stay up all night playing (f/g) again did you?" "Ugh no." I lied "Yeah right." He said patting my back a little to hard for my liking "Ugh Kuroo stop, lets go alright." I said pulling out my game while we made our way to school. 

"Hey Kenma look it's you." Kuroo said with a smirk. "What are you talking about?" I asked knowing it was something stupid like always. "Look." He said pointing to a poll that had a 'Lost' poster that had a calico kitten on it. "Ahah look it's name is even Puddin'." Kuroo chuckled. I understood what he meant, one of my many nicknames was 'Pudding Head'. 

 "Here let me take a picture of it just in case we see it." Kuroo said snapping a quick photo. "Yeah let's go already." I huffed, although that kitten was cute I hope they find 'em. I thought.

As we were walking a girl who had her head down bumped into Kuroo. "Oh I'm sorry.." She said in a low hushed voice. "That's okay be careful next time though." Kuroo replied. I watched her as she entered her class, I couldn't help but feel like the situation was oddly familiar. I quickly looked back down.

That small glance did not go unnoticed by Kuroo, who simply smirked remembering this for later. 

Back to Y/N perspective 

I woke up extra early to go around putting up the posters I made the night before. I got about three hours of sleep so I'm pretty tired. But I had to find my buddy first so there was not time for sleep. As I put the last poster up my eyes started to gloss over I felt a few tears excape but I quickly wiped them away as I made my way to school. 

'I can't be sad right now I have to believe I'll find him soon.' I told myself which didn't really make me feel any better. I was walking to class when I bumped into someone. 'Ugh I gotta stop bumping into people.' I internally scolded myself I apologized without looking at the person. I didn't want them to see my red puffy eyes. 

"That's okay just be carful next time though." The boy stated.

As I entered class I was pulled into a hug by Emiko, who I texted last night letting her know what happened with Puddin'. "Oh Y/N how are you feeling, I made sure to keep an eye out for him on my way to school this morning." She said with a slight smile. She was really the sweetest girl. "Hey Emiko, I'm okay just worried and tired." I said flatly. 

"Ahh I see well just set your head down for a while I'll wake you up before class starts." She said "Okay thank you Emi." I gave her a small smile before setting my head down. 

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