If Melody was with Ren

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"Yes, my lady?" He flirts with me as per usual.

"You were a beat too early." I stop the music and judge the guys.

"Arghhhh. This choreography is so difficult!!" Otoya ruffles his hair in frustration.

"I agree." Masato wipes his sweat.

"Even the muses agree." Cecil lies flat on the floor.

"I know it's difficult but this is a special job request." I sigh.

"Let's get this done right!" Syo shouts.

"It's very exciting! Right angel?" Natsuki almost grabed me when someone spun me out of the way. "Oh?"

"Mind not touching my lady so much." Ren puts his arms around me protectively.

Tokiya just sighs at the usual scene. Ever since Ren and I started dating he was easily jealous of others getting my attention and affection.

"If you have time to be so protective. You better master the beat." I lightly jab his well-toned chest.

"Yesss." He slurs in response and kisses my head before going back to practice.

~Time skip~

We were now traveling to a beach to shoot some summer type of photos. All of STARISH was hired.

"It's been a while since we all went to the beach." Cecil marvels at the scene.

"We've been extremely busy lately." Tokiya nods.

"Though this is a job." I pat their backs. "Let's enjoy the beach after!"

"YESSSS!" Syo cheers.

"While you guys enjoy the beach." Ren snakes his arm around my waist. "I'll be enjoying my la-"

I slap his mouth to silence him.

"Let's go."

We did everything as the director instructed as a group and solo photos. The guys were wearing different variations of beachwear. As for my boyfriend, he was wearing beach shorts and an open shirt exposing his toned body.

A lot of the staff as well as passerby turned their gazes to him as his solo shoot was being shot

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A lot of the staff as well as passerby turned their gazes to him as his solo shoot was being shot. I suppressed the urge to glare at them since I know how hot he was myself.

It was then my turn with each member of STARISH. We took some beach volleyball photos, some eating ice cream, and other exciting things. When it came for Ren and me the director said to make things a little spicy for the fans.

"How spicy should I make us look?" Ren whispers in my ear.

"However you want it to be." I tease right back which only made him smirk at me even more.

The stylist made my hair slightly damp as well as his hair to make it look like we just got out of the water. I lay my back on a beach towel while Ren was posing on top of me.

We did various poses and expressions as we were instructed. When suddenly Ren leans forward, opposite the view of the camera, and nibbled my ear.

"Ren!" I whisper scolded him. I could feel my cheeks turn red.

"That's it! Don't move! That's perfect!" The director instructed.

"The director said not to move right?" Ren breathes in my ear and continues to nibble at my ear.

I tried my best to keep my composure but by the end of that, I was as red as Syo could get.

~Time skip~

"Rennn?" I open the door to his room which surprisingly was dark. "You here?"

"I'm here lady." I hear his voice yet it sounded so lifeless compared to his usual tone.

"Are you okay??" I open the lamplight to see him slumped on his bed. "Are you sick?"

"I just don't feel good today." He mumbles.

"Come here." With all of my effort, I pull him near me and let him lie on my lap. "Want to tell me how you're feeling? Or do you just wanna sleep?"

"I'd rather sleep, my lady." I check his temperature and sure enough, he wasn't sick. He was probably just not feeling it today and that was completely fine.

I tell him light stories about how my day went while running my hands through his blond hair. He takes one of my hands and holds it near his chest, occasionally bringing it to his lips and kissing it as if saying thank you.

The night soon ended as we both fell asleep side by side in each others presence.

~Time skip~

"Snow!!!" I hurriedly wear my winter attire.

"Calm down lady." Ren stops me from hitting the desk. "The snow is not going anywhere." He chuckles.

"I know!!! But look!" I point out the window.

Syo and Otoya were having a snowball fight while Tokiya and Masato talked on a bench. Natsuki was teaching Cecil how to make a snowman and Reiji plus the rest of QUARTET NIGHT were building an igloo. How Reiji managed to convince them I wouldn't know.

"Let's go!!!" I hurriedly wrapped my scarf around my neck and practically pulled Ren along. "SNOW!"

First things first, I jump on a thick blanket of snow and enjoyed the cool sensation it gave my body. Just when I was about to get up a snowball came flying at me. Before it could hit me though, Ren dramatically dived in front of me and got hit instead.

"Ack-Sorry Ren!!" Otoya rushed over to us.

"Ren..." I hold him in my arms, acting as if he was hit by a bullet.

"Lady..." He holds my cheek tenderly. "Avenge me-"

"RENNN!!!!" I cry out and glare at Otoya. "Bro...I shall take my revenge."

Hence started a whole fiasco. Tokiya and Masato were not apart of it but they got caught up in the crossfire as well as QUARTET NIGHT and the rest of STARISH.

We lay on the snow pile and called momentary peace.

"Did I avenge you?" I ask, still out of breath, Ren who was sitting beside me.

"You sure did my lady." He goes in for a warm kiss.

"I'm glad." I giggle and pinch his nose.

When once more our moment was disturbed by 2 snowballs hitting our faces at the same time.

"Oh you're on!" I stand up. "Let's go!"

"You're not getting away with that Cecil!" Ren readies a snowball.


Next is Syo! Comment on who you want after him. We're done with Masato, Ren, and Tokiya.

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