14 Variety Show

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I woke up and find myself staring at the ceiling expecting something important to happen. I get up and went in the cold shower. I did my daily routine and went on my way. Once again I received a job request from a clothing line and they asked me to model for them.

"Good morning guys!" I said once I saw them all chatting on the dining area.

They all greet me and went on eating. They all had bed hair and wrinkled clothes saying that they just woke up. All of STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT members were present.

"Where are you going today?" Tokiya asks.

"I have another job." I reply after kissing his cheek and sitting down beside him.

"Thats good." Tokiya kissed me back.

I felt a bit out of my usual self so I ate my meal in silence. Days passed on like any other, and during those days Otoya has been asking her a favor, which no one knew about. A couple of the guys asked me where Otoya was at sometime, I just say I don't know but I know where my big bro went.

"Hey Angel, you noticed that Otoya hasn't been hanging around us less lately?" Natsuki said.

We were all seated on the living room doing our individual work. Most of the times they asked me for their opinion on the lyrics of the song I gave them.

"Don't worry about him Natsuki! He's doing just fine." I pat his back.

"Hey! Does this lyric sound good?" Syo tapped my shoulder and showed me his notebook filled with lyrics.

"Hmmm...how about this?" I wrote the lyrics I was thinking of and showed it to him.

"Hmm..." He hummed the part for a while and his face brightened up. "That's better! Thanks!" We highfived and went back to work.

"Melody, can I ask your opinion on this song?" Masato came up to me and showed me his paper filled with notes.

"Hm...it's good but what if we change it up a bit?" I wrote the things I thought would make a new change.

"You really are amazing." Masato gave me a smile and went back to continue writing.

"Hahahah Come on. I'm not that good." I chuckled.

"Speaking of being amazing...mind helping me out lady?" Ren sneaked his arm around my neck.

Tokiya who was sitting beside me glared at Ren and slapped his arm away which made me laugh. Tokiya sneaked his arm around mine to show who I belonged too.

"What do you need help with Ren?" I half laugh.

"Mind playing a few notes on the piano? I wanted to check the tune of this part."

"Sure. Tokiya." I tapped his arm telling him to let go of me and he did, hesitantly.

Ren put the paper on top of the piano as I sat down. He pointed to the part he needed help with and so I played the notes and gave him some advise. He thanked me and went back to his own work.

"Hey guys?" All of the STARISH members looked at me except for one absent, Otoya. "Have you seen Cecil?"

"No I haven't." Masato played with his pen, twirling it around his fingers.

"Haven't heard from him in a while." Natsuki said.

"I have..." Syo shivered. "Camus was holding him up in his room. Last I've seen Cecil was being forced to do some work."

"Poor guy." Ren chuckled.

"Even Reiji makes us do a lot of work." Tokiya sighed. "Though I'm used to it."

"Ai doesn't play around as well." Syo shivered. "We have a tight schedule that we have to follow or else we won't be having food."

I look at the clock and noticed it was time for my next job. It was a variety show with Otoya.

"Oi, pesant." A voice came from the room.

"Huh? Me?" I look over and saw Camus holding Cecil by the back of his shirt.

"Who else am I talking to? Let this man join you in the show. He needs to learn the jobs of becoming an idol." Then he left the room leaving Cecil standing awkwardly.

"Hello Cecil!" Natsuki was first to greet him with a cheerful face.

"Hello, Natsuki right?" Cecil bowed.

"Yes! Good to see you again!"

"Cecil! We have to get going soon. We still have to find Otoya." I grab my purse and run out the door. "See you guys later!"

"Do a good job!" They say back to me.

We start walking out of the building as we did I started a conversation.

"How is your days here so far Cecil?"

"It's really hard. Camus is giving me such hard things to do, even if I don't want to become an idol."

"You can quit if you want. Your free after all. Though it would be a shame to let you go."

"I will do what you ask me of. So I will endure it!" Cecil pumped his fist in front of him determined once more.

"Hahaha I hope you don't feel pressured though." I pull out my phone to text Otoya but then he called me.

"Hello, Otoya? Where are you right now? We're about to go to the show."

"I'm already on my way. You go ahead. I'm taking a different route. And wait...you said we? Who is with you?"

"Cecil is going with us. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not! Tell him hi for me. Ah! I'm already here. I'm hanging up!" He then ended the call.

"He said he's alrady there. Let's go Cecil."

"Okay." He nods.

We make our way in the place where the show will be held. We meet up with Otoya with the manager handling us. Otoya will be wearing a funny costume as well as Cecil who was forced to do this and I will be wearing a office attire. Our audiences will be mostly consisted of kids which meant we had to be funny.

We practiced inside the room before going out and facing the crowd. There were a lot of blinding lights. I was surprised I even withstood it.

We talked and cracked up a few jokes here and there until Cecil decided to imitate Saotome. All of the kids cracked up and I did as well. The kid's faces were so precious that I wanted to take a picture of them if only we weren't live on television.

"Well! That is it for today's show! See yaaa, Next time!" Otoya closed the show and all the bright lights were turned off. "You did great Cecil! Improvising like that!"

"Thank you very much!" Cecil looked happy.

"So how do you like being a idol? Their smiles were so encouraging right?!" I said with a grin.

"It's...not as bad. I guess." He fumbled with his fingers.

"I hope you become an idol!" Otoya hung his arm around his shoulder. "Let's go home shall we? We're exhausted."

"True. I'll call the car." I dial the number on my phone and the driver arrived quite fast. "Take us back to the dorms."

"Yes ma'am."

"Ma'am?" Cecil asked with a raised brow.

"They insist on calling me that though it sounds really weird."

The car sped away and we finally arrive in the dorms. I made my way up my room and crashed into bed.

Today was a tiring day. Even more so tomorrow.


The fireworks are SO DAMN SCARY! 😭 but Happy new years everyone🎉🎉🎉

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