7 Poison Kiss

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I wake up to a new morning. A morning of new beginnings. A morning of meeting new people.

I did my normal morning routine and left my room all dressed up. If you were wondering about Sasha, my stuff bear, I didn't forget him one bit. He was now in my room as a decoration, symbolizing that I have found my long, lost, unrelated brother. I already unpacked most of my things from the boxes and decorated my room on how I wanted it.

The only thing that was important was the picture frame I had with the flower that man gave me. Cecil Aijima is his name, if I remember correctly. I still haven't met him ever since the first time we met. Was that the first and last time we would ever meet? Shame. He had such a wonderful voice. I thought that his voice would go well with the others. Or maybe that was just my wishful thinking.

As I made my way towards the breakfast hall I remember Saotome calling me on my phone and told me that we had to go meet him in the living room. I wonder why.

"Good morning everyone!" I greet the people who were present.

"Morning!" Otoya waves at me.

"Good morning Melody. Did you sleep well?" Masato smiled.

"Yep slept well you guys?"

"Good morning Angel!! I slept really well! I even dreamt about you last night!" He smiles at me sweetly.

"What dream did you have about the lady?" Ren enters the scene while yawning a bit. "I dreamt about kissing her-"

"Ehem." Tokiya, who was beside him, elbowed his gut showing clear signs that he was not okay with what Ren was going to say.

"Gah-Hahaha alright alright!." Ren winks jokingly at Tokiya who was glaring at him.

"She's mine." Tokiya walks to his seat calmly.

"Jeez! Such a ruckus when we just got together!" Syo laughs a bit and sat on a chair.

"Good morning to you three sleepy heads. Why'd you guys wake up later than usual?" I wave at them. By them I meant Syo, Masato and Ren.

"I really woke up late dreaming of a certain someone." Ren smirks and receives a smack on the arm from Masato.

"I just slept late. Busy doing work." Masato ate his food in a gentlemanly way.

"I was still practicing my lines so I had no choice but to stay up late." Syo gives a tired sigh.

"Hahaha. I'm surprised Otoya didn't wake up late considering how careless he his." They all laugh knowing how careless my brother is.

"Don't laugh at me!!!" Otoya pouts childishly.

The food was served by the chef we had in the dorm. We all said out thanks and started digging in. In the middle of eating my bacon and toast I remember what the President told me.

"Ah-I almost forgot to tell you." I swallow my food completely. "He wanted us to meet him in the living room for some sort of announcement."

"Did he say anything else specifically?" Masato raised a brow.

"No not really."

"Maybe we're making a new song with Angel?" Natsuki's eyes sparkled.

"Maybe we have more job offers." Tokiya said.

"Maybe." Syo was stuffing himself with the food presented to us.

"We'll know soon enough. So let's hurry up and finish your food." I clean my plate and so did the others.

"Let's go meet the President." Ren stands up and we all follow suit.

We walk up to the living room and waited for a few minutes.

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