Chapter 45 What pleases the queen has the force of law

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Why is it that every time you think things couldn't get any worse, they still get worse?

Why of all the people in hell did Queen Lilith have to be in front of you and Alastor?

Why did she seem to have fully understood what had happened between you two in the garden?

Why didn't God in his great mercy finish you off when you arrived here?

With a trembling breath you are politely bowed down just like Alastor.

"Your Majesty, can we help you? "You asked, trying to keep a perfectly formal tone.

The queen watched the two of you for a moment, her eyes gazed at Alastor for a long time and then went over you as if she was looking for something, as if it were some kind of compromising clue.

Suddenly you could swear you could see her nostrils quivering, as if she had smelled something. And your doubts could only be confirmed when Lilith gave you a strangely benevolent look.

"Indeed you fell very, I just wanted to offer you my most sincere congratulations for this feast, your help has been extremely valuable for my daughter. »

"Your compliments go straight to our hearts, your highness," replied Alastor with a fake smile.

"I was about to leave you, however I wanted to talk to you Miss Y/N"

You had stopped moving or breathing.

Why did you stop?

"Oh ... yes, of course, your majesty. "You stammered slightly, betraying your discomfort.

"You don't mind if you borrow your wonderful singing partner for a few moments, do you, Alastor?"

The deer did not show any sign of discomfort unlike you, but you could feel that he was not reassured. He didn't know what Lilith was planning to talk about with, or even if she was planning to do something to you. If it had been an Overlord like Vox or Valentino he might not have complied, unfortunately the person in front of him was the Queen.

"Not at all, Your Majesty." He replied courteously, bowing again as a mark of respect.

"Well, don't worry, it won't be very long" Lilith said in a reassuring tone as she put her hand on your shoulder "Come with me Miss Y/N "

Even though she was friendly, you weren't at all serene about it. You silently followed the queen to a small living room in a room completely opposite the party room. You couldn't even hear any music, only the sound of your heels and the queen's on the wooden floor.


The small living room where you brought Lilith was quite spacious, however what made you uncomfortable was the choice of colors used to decorate the room.

The floor was a dark wood, and the walls and the carpets and armchairs were a purple of an equally dark hue. There were, fortunately, a few paintings representing flowering gardens or flowers, which gave a little lightness to the atmosphere of this small living room.

There was also a small table with a silver tea set and all around the room there were several bookcases filled with books that looked really older than you.

"Please come in. " Invited the queen by lighting the fireplace in the center of the room and closing the curtains with a snap of her fingers.

"As you wish" You responded politely by entering the room and closing the door behind you.

As soon as it was closed, Lilith breathed a small sigh of relief and took off her crown to readjust her hair.

"I'm going to make you taste a special tea that I got to know a long time ago before I came here with my husband, you're going to love it." She said, inviting you to sit by the fire, which you did without resistance.

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