Chapter 26: The Soul of a Collector.

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Once Charlie was notified, you carried the wounded spider to his room. The poor guy was in a terrible state, his face was swollen all over as if he had been beaten. You didn't need to talk about his clothes, which were now reduced to shreds. Your body shivered at the mere sight of the various stains that covered them, yet you did your best not to show your discomfort, the most important thing was to heal the spider.

Once you reached the spider's room you gently put him on his bed and let Charlie and Boris take care of him. You ran to get water and towels while Niffty went to get the first aid kit.

When you came back to Angel's room, Alastor was in the corner of the door with his arms folded. You would have made a remark, but you had more important things to do.

"Alastor, get out of the way please." you grunted.

The deer turned its eyes to you for a moment and let you pass. You put the basin of water by the bed and the towels on the wooden bedside table.

"How does he feel Boris? " You asked

"He's not in any danger, but he won't be able to go to work for a while, little boss."

You sighed in relief, you looked Charlie and saw a golden light in his hands.

"Charlie heals deep wounds, and I stitch up wounds that can't be healed."

"Can I help you? "You asked.

"That's nice of you Y/N, but we're gonna be fine, nevertheless if you can get him a more suitable outfit, I'd be good. »

You nodded your head. Then you looked for a moment at Angel's room, it was very pink in terms of the walls and the floor... unusual enough for a boy, but it suited him quite well. Everything here reminded you of the meaning of the word "lust." There were pole dancing bars, a chest with the inscription "sextoys", and a white dressing with mirror furnished with various make-up boxes. In a corner of the room you noticed the rather modern style wardrobe, you walked towards it and opened it. You searched quite quickly, without any judgment on the more than provocative and aggressively coloured g-strings and outfits. You ended up finding pink and white pajamas that looked comfortable. You picked it up and put it next to Boris who had finished treating the spider.

"It's perfect little boss, thank you"


You didn't answer him. Your eyes were fixed on Angel's battered body. He had burn marks and welts all over his body. And you didn't want to see his back for the world. His twisted facial expression from the pain was already telling the whole story.

"How long until he's gonna be okay?"

"His body has a pretty amazing regeneration, he should be back on his feet in a couple of days. »

"I see. I'm-I'm gonna go downstairs, call me if you need any help."

"I will, don't worry about that."

Without further ado, you turned around and walked out of the room, ignoring Alastor on your way. You were as if you were stunned, the spider's face had made you extremely uncomfortable, it was almost like looking at certain parts of your life in a mirror.

Someone called out to you but you continued walking to the stairs, leaning against the wall from time to time, completely lost in your memories.

Suddenly a hand on your shoulder made you shudder.

"Is everything all right my dear,? "Alastor asked you, visibly interested in your troubled behavior.

You blinked several times to get back to reality and then you answered him.

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