Chapter Three: The Nightengale

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Back outside, I saw William laying in the grass with his eyes closed, and his hands folded neatly behind his head. He looked like he was sleeping, and he looked so peaceful that I almost left him there, but I needed him, so I woke him up.

"Jeez, is there not a rule that says you should never wake a sleeping man?" He paused a moment, "There is!" He snapped his fingers. "It's called don't poke the bear," he ended with a scowl in my direction.

I scowled back, my hand still entwined uncomfortably with Katlyn's; she was setting me on edge. "You said you wanted to take me to somewhere?"

He nodded, standing up. "We're going to a little restaurant called The Nightingale."

"Can I come?" Katlyn asked all too cheerfully. But how do you tell her no. Everything was on the line right now. Katlyn helped with the news articles that updated everyone on what was happening in palace. I suppose I couldn't upset her.

William looked to me, and I shrugged my shoulders. "Then off to the Nightengale!"

I was confused for a moment before I remembered that after we graduated Clay High School, he opened up a small bar and grill restaurant. I'd never actually been there. In truth, I've not really been anywhere since high school. After high school, I fulfilled my dream of becoming a hermit in my basement for two years. And then the next year was spent planning how I was going to take over the world.

"Shall we?" William asked, extending his arm, directing us down the path.


William got us a table right away, I guess being the founder, has its perks.

We sat down, and our waiter came over. "Hello, Pierre," William said, with the slightest twitch of a smile on his lips.

"Can I start you off with some drinks?" Pierre asked, pulling out a pad of paper.

We all chimed in our orders, and without even writing them down, Pierre walked to the kitchen, and came back five minutes later, balancing our drinks on a circular tray.

"Do you guys need a few minutes? Or can I take your orders now?" This time he took out a pen as well as his pad of paper.

Looking at the menu one more time, I decided on a large bacon cheeseburger and a huge order of fries. William ordered a pizza. And Katlyn puzzled over her menu a few more seconds before deciding on a bacon cheeseburger with a sesame seed bun. Pierre told us he'd be back with our orders, and sauntered off.

"So, we need a battle plan," I said, hoping William might help me prepare for the mob.

"Not now. We relax now," he said, closing his eyes, and reclining slightly in the booth.

I glared at him. There was a large mob of people headed towards my palace at this very moment, and he was just sitting there. He told me he would help.

I was terrible at public speaking. There were times in my life that I could talk to crowds, it was like something would come over me and it would talk for a while, and then suddenly leave mid sentence, and I'd be left floundering.

In those situations, I always had people who could pick up where I left off. If I am to talk to the mob, calm them down, hear them out, I was going to be inescapably alone with no one to help save me. So I looked straight at William, "No."

He opened one eye, glancing at me before closing it again. "Yes?"

Huffing, I stared at him a long moment. "You said you would help me. All I really need is the outlines for a speech. Or pointers. Something to go off."

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