Part Twelve: An Epic Battle

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I'd spun around, just about bumping into William. The pieces weren't falling into place like they should have been. I couldn't understand what he was doing here. Or even how he gained access into the palace.

I took a step back, too hastily though. He didn't need to know that he had startled me. "May I help you?" I asked him, sounding irritable.

"Actually," he said, falsely pleasant, "yes, Your Majesty." He was capable of making it sound like an insult.

"With what might I help you with?" We were still just a pace apart. I could see every color in his mischievous blue grey eyes.

"Well, I'd like to start off by giving you a choice."

"A choice? I'm the queen-in case you've forgotten. What choices could you possibly give me?" I scoffed at his statement.

He ignored me, and strode passed me to the globe where Lydia laid. Her chest still rose and fell steadily so I wasn't concerned about her well-being, even though she was slowly becoming just a bargaining chip.

He walked a quarter of the way around the globe and I heard the click of a switch being flipped. Then there was a sudden blowing sound. Like a hair dryer being turned on high. And then glitter exploded from the bottom edge of the snow globe. I jumped.

But Lydia's reaction was even worse. She sat straight up and looked around wildly. She didn't seem to know where she was at for a split second, and her face morphed from alarm to fear. She scrambled to her feet, and stood in the middle, staring, dumbfounded, at the glitter.

"The choice, Your Majesty, is Lydia, or your reign. It's that simple. You choose Lydia and you can live out the rest of your life in a quiet cottage of your choosing," he paused, staring at me expectantly, as if he assumed I would beg for her life right there. When it was apparent I wouldn't, he continued. "Choose your reign and you'll find yourself in the midst of a war you can't win."

"Are you threatening me?" I asked, stalling. It shouldn't have been a hard decision. Lydia was one person. And we weren't even calling each 'best friend'. So why was I hesitating?

"If you have to ask..." he let the sentence drop.

"What's with the glitter?" I asked, glancing back at Lydia. Not only was there glitter shooting from more than one side, but there was also liquid filling up from the bottom. She looked down at it anxiously, and then she looked out at us, our gazes locking. Her eyes were fearful, and I wanted to run to her at that exact moment. I wanted to tell him that I'd take the first option. But I had to stop myself. I had plans. So, so many plans. And they would all fly out the window if I chose her.

"Oh, that's nothing. At least, it would be nothing if you chose her."

"Are you threatening to drown her?" I half shrieked. My voice was rising, losing its cool.

"Yep." He said it so casually. There had to be a catch. He wouldn't drown her.

"Your Majesty," he said, "I have to tell you that this globe will fill up quickly, so," he glanced at his nonexistent watch, "you'd better make your decision soon if you wish for her to stay alive. It'd be a shame if her shoulder didn't even have time to heal before she left this world."

I glared at him. "You wouldn't."

He smiled. It was a Cheshire Cat smile. Toothy, wide, and showed that he thought he had the upper hand.

I risked a glance at the snow globe and I almost choked on my spit. She was treading water, her head barely above the waterline.

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