Chapter Six: Freedom...Almost

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It was really disheartening to have the handcuffs on my wrist again. I had worked so hard to get them off, too... Even worse that they were handcuffed behind me.

"So about my questions..." I started, earning me a sideways glare from one of the two holding my arms stiffly. "Um... Well, to start, I just want to know how long I was knocked out in the dungeon.."

At first it was silence from all sides. The two in the very front, stood straight without ever turning around or saying anything. The next two in our little entourage were almost as stick straight as the first two, but these two seemed slightly more anxious. I couldn't see the guards who were holding my arms, but their grips on my arms were tight; and the shortest one walked behind all of us, and he was the one who finally answered. "You were out cold for a day," he said simply, "Next question?"

A day? I was out for a whole day! "Um... What did you mean by allowing me mercy?" This was the question I wanted to know most...

"Well, you see," he started, "after you were out of the picture, the new Queen declared that every person over 5'4" be given the choice of serving as slaves, or be imprisoned where at some point they would be executed due to the probable overpopulation in the prisons. Many of them chose to go into hiding, but Her Majesty has ordered that every home be searched," he paused to let it sink in before he continued. "You were an exception, and instead of you making your own choice, she made it for you."

"So she chose imprisonment for me?" I asked.

He didn't answer at first, "As far as anyone knows, yes."

I tried to turn around to look at him, but the guards gripped my arms tighter, their short nails digging in. I winced, turning back around. "What does that mean? Am I just going to be locked up somewhere until she decides to toss me out like an old rag doll?"

It was silent for a moment. "No one knows what she actually chose for you. All anyone can figure is that you mean something to her, and she isn't sure what to do with you. You're also something like the hope for the tall people. She doesn't want to stifle it, but if the tall people have hope-"

I interrupted him, "You keep saying tall people like we're a different species.."

"She declared that the midgets have been oppressed and made fun of for far too long, and that now it's the tall people's turn."

There was a pause in the conversation as if they almost felt bad for me. "So what happens when we return to the palace?" I finally asked, breaking the silence.

There was a pause, then finally, "We were ordered to apprehend you, and bring you back to the queen for her sentencing."

"Her sentencing," I mumbled. The grim mood settled on us as we trekked back to the palace, my heart pounding harder and harder in my chest with the advancements we made toward my home. My new prison.

I could see the edge of the forest, and this only made my heart pound harder. I could hear it in my ears, feel it in my temples, and I was almost positive that everyone could hear it.

"Before we get in there, I need everyone to understand that if asked, I put up a struggle, ok?" If word got out to the tall people left in the world that their rightful queen was being held prisoner, it might start enough of an upheaval that I could take back the throne and restore the peace. If I was a symbol of new found hope, I had better make it good.

If anybody was confused on my queen-like order, none of them showed it. The rest of the walk was spent in silence.

• • •

We went through one of the many side doors that were hidden around the palace, and made a b-line for the throne room.

By this time, all of my decorations had been taken down from their place on the wall, and the walls were now bare.

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