Chapter Eight: My New Position

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This dimly lit hallway seemed to go on forever. I had explored most of the palace when it was built, but after a while, I realized that as queen, I couldn't hide, and if I stayed in the same place, anyone who needed to find me, could.

It had been a while since I last went exploring, and now I couldn't remember where anything went or lead to, other than the main parts like the library, or the phone room, or my own room.

We turned down another dimly lit hallway, with several doors on either side of the walkway. This hallway, contrary to the other one, was significantly shorter in length; it dead ended into a door.

On the wall next to the door, was a placard that said: Royal Messenger. It looked relatively new, so I knew that I wasn't the one who put it there. This was something Katlyn had made.

We arrived at the door, and Katlyn took a key from...somewhere. Her pants were so skin tight that if there were keys, I was sure that I would have felt them durning our tumble. But nonetheless, she pulled them out of somewhere and unlocked the door. This door has a lock?

Absentmindedly, I patted my hair, feeling for the bobby pins. I found them, thankfully. I relaxed a little. I could no doubt unlock this door like all the other things I'd unlocked in the past day.

With the door finally opened and unlocked, Katlyn walked in, reaching above her head for a string to turn on the light, and the rest of us filed in.

There was a ceiling fan attached to the light, and a twin sized bed all the way to the right side of the room in the far corner. A closet was set into the wall opposite the bed with folding doors.

From the hallway side of the door, the room looked decently sized, but once we were actually inside, the room was half the size it looked. There was a window, but the only way to open it would be to break it. Under the window, was a small vanity that looked like it could double as a desk with a wheeled chair.

Still flanked on all sides by guards, I was escorted to the bed. The two leading, parted, and I was shoved face forward on the bed with an oomph.

I rolled over, sitting up, glaring at them all. "That seemed a little unnecessary."

"Nevertheless, Lydia," Katlyn started, spreading her arms, as if the room were a magnificent spectacle that I should admire on the spot. "This will be your new prison- I mean room," she smiled, a smile that held a dangerous amount of malice, and I cringed.

Katlyn opened her mouth to talk again, but was interrupted by the loud rumbling noise that came from my stomach. The cereal I had nibbled on wasn't nearly enough to extinguish my hunger. Everyone, including myself, stared at my abdomen.

"Somebody's hungry," Katlyn said, recovering her wits. "Go tell Chef to whip up some food," she said turning to the servants. When none of them moved, she took a step toward them, saying: "Now."

They all scrambled over one another to get to the door. How desperately I wanted to join. They'd all obviously seen the queen's wrath, or at least heard of it.

I could just feel it, rebellion plans were going to start swirling in my head soon. But I didn't have time for that now. Right now, I had to convince Katlyn that I would be compliant and do as she asked. If she said jump, I was going to have to ask how high.

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