Chapter Four: The Mob pt 2

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Arriving at the palace, I realized I didn't have any money to use to pay for the the cab ride. I felt bad even though the cabbie tried several times to tell me that it was his pleasure to drive the Queen.

I walked in the side door, planning on going straight to bed, but I was intercepted by a palace servant. "Your majesty," she curtsied. "You have a call waiting for you in the phone room."

"Thank you," I said nodding my head, dismissing her. She walked away, her mousy brown ponytail swinging as she walked away. I'd never really realized how short some of the staff was. Most of them were under 5'4". Come to think of it, most of the people who inhabited the palace were either 5'4" or shorter. I was one of the few tall people living in the palace. I'm not sure why this suddenly seemed relevant, but I felt more observant with the mob on their way.

Maybe I had never noticed it before because I was not the one who hired them in; I put Katlyn in charge of that while I attended any political business such as talking to the previous world powers with William.

It all seems like a blur when I think back on it now. I must have been coasting on an adrenaline rush considering I was 21 and had just conquered the world.

"I should probably head to the phone room now," I said out loud to myself. Everything was starting come into perspective; the mob was mere hours away, and It had to be at least eight o'clock at night by now. Which meant 11 hours.

11 hours.


E L E V E N H O U R S. And I have nothing; no idea what I was going to do; no idea how I was going to do it; and absolutely no idea what the end result will be.

A small part of me saw the grim, side of this where I'll never live to see my 30th birthday, another small part thought that I might live to see it, I just might not be free; and the last, stupidly optimistic part of me had the small sliver of hope that I could calm them all down, and still come out as the Queen.

No sooner had I walked in the room, I was handed a smart phone with the call name displayed across the screen. It was an unknown number to the phone, so going into the call had no idea who I was going to be talking to.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh, good! You got home OK," the person said. It was Katlyn. At least William had told her that he was sending me home.

"Yeah. When are you getting here?" As my uneasiness grew, something about having her at the castle seemed like a necessity, she lived in the castle, and right now, I needed assurance that things were going to go smoothly. In addition to hiring people in, and running news articles, she was also in charge of the small guard staff.

I wished my mom was here. She could comfort me. But my parents have been backpacking and living in Europe with my youngest brother since I came to power, otherwise they would have their own room in the castle.

"Actually," she started excitedly. "I just met some guy who is flirting and offered me a drink, so I'm going to take him up on his offer. I can only imagine what we could do-"

"I don't want to hear about your perversions. Just don't bring him back here."

She chuckled. "Did you want me back there to help you prep? Cause if you need me for that I can always find someone else to buy me a drink later."

She sounded sincere, but I didn't want her unconsciously upset with me. Maybe I shouldn't have given her a position where she could ruin me. "No. It's ok. Have fun, I guess."

"Ok, then," she chuckled, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow. Go get some rest."

"Will do," I said, and ended the conversation, handing the phone back to guy who gave it to me.

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