A childish kyoya?

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Tamaki's memory


I had gone over to kyoya's house to study for midterms. When I reached his house a servent said that kyoya said he did not want to be disturbed. She also said and I quote 'His father gave him some work to do and he just fell asleep less than an hour ago.' An hour of sleep I don't want to wake him but I really needed too study. I decided that I would tell him to sleep and that I would come back later. As I enter the room I expect the demon lord to come out but what I found was something more scary, cute, interesting? I'm not sure how to explain it.

"Hey Kyo are you up?

"No I asleep" That's odd he would have usually thrown books at me by now.

"Hey the maids tell me you just went to sleep so how about I come back later?." He get up slowly and rubs his eyes. He has dark circles under his eyes you could tell that he wasn't sleeping well. He yawns and stretches out.

"No it's fine, I'll help you." I back up a little it's scary how nice he's being yet at the same time it's sound cute.

"But aren't you tired? It look like you need sleep."

"No I want to we hardly any time now." He get out of bed a bit reluctant. He goes to his closet and picks out a shirt and a pair of pants. Then he starts dressing in front of me!!!

"W-wait what are you doing?" I ask and then I feel myself blushing and I can't help but stare at him.

"Dressing." He states as if its the most normal thing in the world, to be dressing in front of a man. Maybe it's the lack of sleep? But he is acting strangely. "Alright first we eat and then we can study." He walks out of his room almost skipping and he sound cheerful. It's scaring me but I also can't help but find it cute.

When we reach the dinning room there are a stack of pancakes and syrup on the table. We sit down next to each other. Kyoya grabs the syrup and pours it over his pancakes. And not a little bit, he pours himself a least half of what Honey would eat.

"Isn't that a bit to much?" I ask as I take the syrup away from him. He ignores the question and begins eating. I didn't put any syrup on my just watching how much he put on his was enough. "Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah I'm fine why?" I turn to look at him, he has syrup dribbling on his chin. I use my thumb to wipe it off then I lick my thumb. He leans forward a bit and stares at me. "Are you okay?" He is way to close or maybe I'm over reacting. I finds self staring at his eyes and I forget what I was going to say.

"I'm fine" I manage to regain my thoughts and shift away from him.

"Are you sure? Your cheeks are red." Why was I blushing right now?

"Yeah I'm fine but you should go to sleep if you're sleepy."

"No! I don't want to sleep you hardly come over because you're so busy with haruhi. I wanna spend time with you too." I felt butterflies in my stomach and I felt my heart speed up. What was wrong with me today?

"If you wanted to spend time with me you could have just asked." I say this in almost as a whisper and I'm not sure if he even heard me.

After finish eating he says "Lets go to my room to study."  he grabbed my wrist. After an hour of trying to study but getting no here since, I was trying to figure out what was wrong with me I gave up on studying. I looked over at kyoya he was trying his best not to fall asleep.

"Kyo go to sleep."

"No! If I fall asleep then you'll leave."

"I'll stay here until you wake up"

"Promise" he ask.

"I promise" he stares at me for a bit before getting up and going to his Bed. I didn't immediately realizes it but looking back on it this is probably when I started falling for him.

_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_back to the present_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*_*

I kiss the top if Kyo's head I feel myself getting sleepy. I know that no one would dare come into kyo's room when I'm here. It was an unspoken rule between the staff and I. So I pulled the covers over me and kyo I wrap my arms around him bringing him closer to my chest and fall asleep

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