Why her?

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It's been 4 months since Haruhi has joined. I don't really like her. I mean yes she brings in more money and costumers but she takes away from being able to spend time with Tamaki. Right now I'm on my computer Tamaki and the twins are arguing about something concerning haruhi. Honey is eating cake while drinks tea mori watches. And haruhi just looks like she is ready to go home.

"Come on haruhi just try it on I'm sure you'll love it"

"No way in hell I'm I trying that on!"

"Mommy haruhi is using those dirty words again." What does he expect me to do? I not her mother to tell her to stop.

"Senpai please let go of me." What is he doing now? I turn my head to see tamaki hugging haruhi.

"But you're just so cute." I feel slightly jealous, no not slightly, but what can you expect after all he's in love with her. I've come to accept that but still.... I wish he would realize that I'm in love with him.

"Hey why don't me and you go out shopping tomorrow for clothes it'll be just like a date." Hearing this I close my laptop abruptly and stand up.

"Kyoya?" asks tamaki.

"I'll be taking my leave now I'm not feeling well." With that I grab my stuff and head out the door. I try my best to hold back the tears until I reach the car. I some how manage to not cry until I reach my room. Stupid stupid stupid! I yell inside my head. I knew from the start that there was no way me and him could be together. I knew it would never work. So why am I crying?

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