Red velvet cupcakes

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These red velvet cupcakes are the best. They are a super great way to enjoy a sweet dessert with your loved ones. Even though these take awhile to make, but are worth the ride.

What you need:
Large mixing bowl
Baking powder
2 sticks of butter
5 eggs
Red food coloring
Cupcake tray
Cupcake liners

What to do:
Preheat your oven for 350
Take your large mixing bowl and add2 1/2 cups of flour
1/2 cup of baking powder
1/2 if cocoa
1/4 teaspoon is salt
Mix all ingredients together thoroughly

Add 2 sticks of butter
5 eggs
Best them till they are light and fluffy
Add 1 cup of buttermilk
1 teaspoon of vanilla
1 teaspoon is red food coloring
Now mix all those ingredients together again

Spoon this red velvet batter 1/2 full into cupcake liners
Put them into an oven at 350 degrees preheated for approximately 20 minutes
Let them cool down after they're done i
Ice them up and decorate them beautifully

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