The eye liner guide

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This is the guide to making that perfect eyeliner. I know it can be a big pain messing up or not knowing how to do it properly. So I hope this helps!!
Using whatever color and whatever tool
(Etc, gel eyeliner, liquid, or even pencil) start from the bottom corner of your eye and slowly drag out a line diagonally to the length you want.
From the outer length corner of the wing, start dragging out a line slowly and steady to wherever you would like the wind to end. Keeping in mind not to past the middle of your eyelid so you have room to make it go from big to small.
From the line where your eyeliner stopped. (Middle line, a little under the middle line, or where ever.) Drag another line all the way to the inner corner if your eyelid.
Color in the line slowly and using one brush stroke movement.
Now you can adjust it anyway you would like to.
Put some mascara and you are finished.

Remember this takes time and practiced so don't be mad if you don't have it the first or second time.
Hope this helped and I love you guys !! 💌💞💭

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