Emoji nails

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These cute and EASY emoji nails are to die for. If you would love to get these, continue ready.

What you need:
~Yellow polish
~Red polish
~Blue polish
~Black polish
~Light pink
~White polish

Apply a base coat to all your nails

Paint all your nails yellow

For your THUMB,
start off by painting a black semi circle on the bottom half of your nail. Draw to black curved lines as the eyes. Two more lines above the first pair as eyebrows. Take your white polish, and draw a line as the teeth. Paint two tear drops coming from the eyes. Finish it off with a top coat.

For your index FINGER,
draw another black semi circle as the mouth. Take your red polish and paint tiny hearts as the eyes. Finish off with a top coat.

Paint a long black curved line as the mouth. Two black curved lines as the eyes. Use your light pink polish and make a tongue. Finish off with a top coat.

Draw a spiky black line as the mouth. draw one black oval and one curved line as the eyes. Draw a diagonally curved line above the oval eye, and a curved line above the curved eye. Using the red paint, draw a small heart beside the mouth. Finish with a top coat.

For your PINKY,
Draw a black semi circle as the mouth. Using a dotting tool, paint two black dots as eyes. Draw a white line as teeth. Finish off with a top coat.

You're finished!! 💅

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