Makeup tips!! #1

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So this is the first out of many make up tips for you lovely guys.

**Beauty blender/ fountain sponge:

Using one of these, you need to be careful where you use it. From the tip to just a little bit of the end you press on the side of the sponge to blend your fountain and concealer. (make sure not to press to hard, other wise that defeats the whole purpose)

**Kabuki brush:

Using this kabuki brush you, in circular motions apply liquid fountain or any lose powers you have

**Powder sponge:

Using this, you need to make sure you apply lose powders to your skin and then tap on spreading it. (Never rub)

**Fountain brush:

Using this, apply liquid fountain to the center of your face and make sure you carefully brush outward. Never in


This is a triangle sponge. By using this you apply fountain for concealer and using a brushing motion, tap or brush like a real brush

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