Chapter 4

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Seconds after my exclamation, a portal opened up a few feet away from me and out burst my two best friends. There was a pause as everyone in the room assessed the current situation. After about three seconds, the two burst into action.

Kathy ran towards where I was still pinned and tackled the boy on top of me into the ground. Whipping out the blade she kept in her boot, she pinned his shoulders down with her knees and aimed the knife at his neck.

"Move an inch, and I'll end you." She said, her voice as hard as steel. There was a loud growl and the sound of clothes tearing filled the room. Instead of people, there were now wolves and they charged right at us, only to run into a force field.

"That should hold them for awhile." Eliza came towards me with my protection charm in her hand. She took one look at the broken chain and conjured another one. Fastening the necklace on my neck, I thanked her. Once on my own two feet, I hugged Eliza as a show of my gratitude.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" The boy yelled from where he was still pinned down.

I walked towards him before crouching down to his level.

"I'll be asking the questions. Do anything stupid and we'll kill you, got it?"

He looked at me apprehensively before giving a nod.


"Ryan Tenara"




"Crowned prince and soon to be Alpha of this territory."

Pausing at that, I arched my left eyebrow in a question. Really?

"Yes it's true. Anymore questions?"

"Yes, one more - wait make that two. What did you mean by 'mate'? Vampires don't have one; we aren't capable of love. And why don't you smell like a werewolf?"

Looking at me long and hard, he tilted his head at Kathy - indicating that he wanted to be let up.

Kathy, who had been quiet the whole time, waited for my approval. Nodding, she stood and moved away from him.

Ryan sat up and shook his head before fully turning to me. Lifting a hand, I thought he would go for the pendant (which was why I immediately grabbed it) but instead he cupped my face. Pulling my face close, he stared into my eyes with wonder while I stared into his with a what-are-you-doing look.

I don't know what he saw in me but whatever it was gave him the impulse to kiss me. I was surprised to say the least but what surprised me wasn't the kiss itself but it was the way he kissed me. He kissed me like a man who just found his lost love and even more surprising was the fact that I kissed him back.

My first kiss. At one hundred and thirteen years old. With a werewolf! Can you believe it?

When we pulled apart, we were both catching our breath. Looking anywhere but him, I noticed that our audience were all wearing similar expressions of shock and slight distaste. When I looked back at him, he was sporting a goofy smile and I realized he still hadn't answered my question.

"You owe me answers."

Shaking his head again, he muttered "right right".

"You are my mate, there's no other way of explaining that. We are meant to be together. You're a vampire and I am a werewolf, though our kinds mostly hate each other, I already know I love you. I'm not sure who told you that you're not capable of love because I know lots of vampires who have mates. As for why I don't smell like a werewolf, same reason you don't smell like a vampire. I have a talisman too. My pack has a witch that protects us just as you have your own."

That was a lot to process. I didn't know I was capable of love. My father lied to me! All this time. He said that my purpose was always to be married off... He said that love didn't exist for creatures like us.

Fuck! I've been living a lie. All my life, he's lied to me time and time again.

Standing up, I quickly looked for a way out. I am so angry I could break something. We were still surrounded though.

"Eliza, take us out of here. Please." I say without looking at her. She must have sensed the urgency in my request because I don't usually say please.

A portal opened up to the side of me, but before I could go through, I felt arms wrap around my waist. Next thing I know, I'm pulled against Ryan's chest.

"But I just found you." He whispered in my ear, before taking in a deep breath, no doubt attempting to smell me. He let out a low growl when he couldn't smell anything. "I can't lose you. Please don't go."

"I have to go because I need to let out steam. I don't want to hurt you. Let me go, and I might come back. Looking at the circumstances though, I might not be able to. Let me go now, and I won't hurt you."

The arm on my waist tightened. With a sigh, I head-butted him causing him to release me. Once free, I ran straight into the portal.

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