Chapter 2

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Standing in the changing room, I stood there in a robe and looked at the mirror as I waited for the two girls to finish changing.

I stood there for what felt like a really long time scrutinizing myself. My dark hair was shoulder length with natural highlights and I stood at 5 "5. My eyes were almond shaped and dark brown, my lips were full and I had a slightly square jaw. All in all, I looked somewhat normal - well, as normal as you can get with being a vampire. My vampire side of me gave me slightly sharper and more extended canine teeth, and translucent skin. I may not tan easily, but I do in fact tan to make my skin look less like paper. And all that is on the physical side of things.

My eyes wandered further downwards, to the charm that Eliza made for me. It looks like any other onyx pendant but in reality it is the key to my survival. It not only masks my scent but ensures that I'm cloaked from any magic users who are trying to find me. I've never taken it off and neither has the other two. They have similar necklaces but of different colors.

"You okay?" Eliza said from behind me. I was so busy picking at my looks that I didn't notice her.

"Yes, I'm fine." I said whilst fingering the pendant hanging from my neck.

Putting a hand on my shoulder, Eliza picked up the pendant with the other one. Shutting her eyes, a look of deep concentration washes over her face.

Letting the pendant drop, she says, "It's still in affect" at the same time I heard Kathy shout, "Come on girls! Let's get our sport on!"

Giving a rather dramatic sigh, I followed the two girls out to the outdoor swimming pool. As we walked on the scene, I heard cat calls and whistling coming from the boys already in the pool. I hated how the boys treated us like objects, which was why I was in a robe while the other two's body was on full display.

The three of us have varying personalities as you could probably tell. The only thing we had in common was the fact that we were all trying to survive - keep running and lay low.

Kathlyn is the one that's equipped with the abilities to kill but she can't do it because, well, she's Kathy! She's so bubbly and happy and smiling all the time, that you could never expect her to be able to kill you in a matter of minutes. She stands at 5 "3 with brown hair and big hazel eyes. She's slender, beautiful and half Japanese. She may be raised to be a killer but that girl could never hurt anyone unless absolutely necessary. At most, she would knock you out cold because she is very against violence.

Although Kathy wouldn't hurt anyone deliberately, she would rise to the occasion especially when instincts kick in. She tries to cover up her brutal past by being loving and compassionate and though that isn't a bad thing, I really hope she won't hesitate when and if the time comes for her to kill. 

Elizabeth was raised on books. She's the smartest out of the three of us and definitely the most calm. She would rationalize and think things out thoroughly before she does something. Being a dark witch probably made her this way - if her emotions aren't in check, havoc will break out. In my opinion, she is the most powerful out of the three of us. Unfortunately, she hates that power and will only use it when the need arises. If she could resolve every dilemma diplomatically, she would but that isn't always the case.

Being the most in control and conservative of the three of us takes a lot out of her. I could see it in the way her eyes narrow whenever she had to control some inner demon. There are times when she doesn't notice that I'm watching and I see how much it takes for her to not lose control. She hates herself and I can see it in the way she behaves, like she's not worthy of being protected and loved.

She's pale and has hair so black, it's practically midnight. Her eyes are as dark if not darker than her hair but if you look close enough, you would see a dark blue outline in the iris. She's the tallest, standing at 5 "7 and the most sheltered person I know. If I could protect her from everything, I would.

Just as I sat down at the bleachers, a high pitch whistle was heard from the shallowest and furthest part of the pool.

"This is no time to be conservative miss Kirova. Take the robe off and get in the pool!" The instructor shouted.

Internally groaning, I took of my robe only to hear the appreciative sounds of males while I could feel the envy coming off of the females in waves.

Kathy was in a two piece red bikini and she was showing more skin than I was whereas Eliza was wearing a black one piece suit. I was in a tankini which had more cover than Kathy's outfit so I have no idea why they were giving me such looks.

"Any time today Miss Kirova!" The coach yelled at me. Giving her a defiant look, I sauntered to the edge of the pool before dipping my legs in. Splashing the water around for a little bit, I took my time entering the water.

When I finally did, the coach gave an ear-splitting whistle and screeched, "Everyone except Miss Kirova will start doing 15 laps. Miss Kirova will do 20."

There were a lot of Oooos going around the class but I simply rolled my eyes. Bitch please, twenty laps is nothing.

Half an hour later, and I was finished while everyone else just started their tenth lap. Coach Cara's face was red while mine was smug. I floated in the water while waiting for everyone else to finish.

Once everyone was done, everybody left to their respective changing rooms. I took off to the female changing room only to hear a masculine shout.

"Hey! Stop! I need to talk to you!"

Not thinking much of it, I just continued to walk until I felt a hand on my shoulder. With speed, I took the hand that was on my shoulder and twisted it. Hearing a pained groan was like music to my ears. Feeling the stares of the whole senior class on me, I bent down to face level and made sure he saw my face when I said through clenched teeth

"I don't like to be touched. Touch me again and you lose an arm. Get it?"

After I released him, I went straight to get changed. A lot of people moved out of my way and once I was out of the room, I heard everyone exhale like as if they were holding their breaths.

The girls in the locker room seemed oblivious to what happened outside but then again it wasn't like I was shouting.

Fear was tangible as I made my way to class. Wherever I walked, people avoided eye contact and they didn't talk behind their hands - heck, some of them weren't even breathing! Word travels quick here.

When I reached the classroom, the teacher hadn't arrived and I felt the entire class tense. Shoulders slump as I walked by. I sat at the corner nearest the back door. Once seated, I took out my headphones and began to play some music.

Even through the screaming of the lead singer of Escape The Fate, I could hear everyone talking about me.

A shadow loomed over me as I was scribbling in my notebook. Giving a sigh, I glanced up and glared at the person who was either stupid or brave.

It was the boy whose arm I twisted. Well, things are about to get interesting.

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