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Running through the forest in the middle of the night may not be the smartest thing to do but I just gotta get out of there. I cannot stand another moment in my kingdom. The more distance between me and that hell hole, the better.

As I run through the trees, trying not to trip in the process of fleeing, I kept myself alert making sure the guards weren't after me. The last thing I needed was to be hauled back to the castle to be wedded to a guy I didn't even know, let alone love, and face the wrath of my father.

Keeping a steady pace, I broke through the edge of the forest line into a clearing with a stream. Taking a deep breath, I took a whiff of the air. Nothing but the scent of the river and the forest at midnight - good. I stopped to take a drink from my thermos of blood mixed in coffee.

I have no idea where I am but that won't stop me from getting away from my father. I'll just continue running North and hopefully reach a road. From there, I will hitch hike or keep running. I have very good stamina and I wouldn't need to rest until I ran out of my mixture in the thermos.

With my backpack on my shoulders, I continued running through the forest. Every mile (heck every footstep) away from my father, that kingdom, that life, the more free I felt. I have never felt so free in my life.

The decision to run? Best decision ever.


My name is Amethyst Seraphina Kirova. I ran away from home because my father was forcing me to marry the prince of a powerful kingdom. Our marriage was to be a sign of peace and the end to a long war. Despite the fact that I had three sisters before me, all of ripe marrying age may I add, the prince chose me because I was - I quote - 'the pretty one'.

You have to understand why I ran. Who would want to marry a conceited bastard who picks his wife by how pretty she is? Materialistic much? I'm not even eligible yet. I guess my father was just desperate.

I couldn't do it. So that's why I ran. This is my story.

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