Chapter 1

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High school. Who would've thought I was hiding out at a high school. Sure it was miles away from my old life and it was technically a private boarding school but who would've thought? I certainly didn't. Being home-schooled all my life, I never had much contact with anyone. But here I am now, among mortals studying things like maths, literature, history and the like (all of which I have mastered).

Humans are the most petty of creatures. They argue amongst themselves and cannot stop their incessant gossiping. They drive me nuts. The only thing that is keeping me sane are my two best friends - Elizabeth and Kathlyn, mostly Elizabeth.

After my escape, I walked half a day more before I hitched a ride with some dude (technically I sweet talked him into it) who was on his was home from college to visit family. After he dropped me off, I took a bus to the nearest airport and got the hell away from Russia. From there, I took a plane to London, UK which is how I met Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is a witch, technically an apprentice. She isn't a full one yet as she has yet to turn eighteen. How did I know she was a witch? I smelt her.

She bumped into me as I was on my way out to get dinner. I was staying at a motel near the airport at the time. When I noticed she was a witch, she freaked and tried to run but I caught her and knocked her out. I brought her back to my room and waited for her to wake up. When she did, I begged her to stay because I needed her help.

I know that wasn't the best way to get help but she was going to run and when will I ever meet another witch who could help me?

Anyway, after I ordered room service for her I explained what I needed from her. All I needed was a charm to make sure I could not be tracked. My father could hire a witch or warlock to locate me and that would be the end of me.

After awhile she agreed (probably because I just fed her), but when I offered to pay her for her services she told me her story.

She was a runaway too, the only difference between the two of us is that she was an orphan. Her aunt, who hated her for being a black magic witch, tried to auction her off to supernatural pedophiles - old rich supernatural men who wanted her for her magic and virginity. She didn't want to be anybody's slave so she took off.

After contemplating for awhile, I asked if she would like to runaway with me. It took a bit of convincing for her to finally say yes.

The next day, we packed up what little we had and took a plane to Tokyo, Japan. I thought it was a pretty sound idea as Japan was full of people and it would be difficult to track either of us, but guess who I met there? Kathlyn.

She was raised to be a huntress by her stepfather but she didn't have the guts to harm anything, let alone kill something. The night we met, I was out alone looking for sustenance (in other words blood) when her stepfather attacked me and tried to force her to kill me. She couldn't do it, I could see it in the way her hand shook and her eyes began to tear. Thank god Elizabeth appeared at that moment and knocked the man out with some kind of witch powder, unfortunately I breathed some of that powder in too so I passed out.

When I woke up, Kathlyn and I were introduced. After an hour of discussion, the three of us packed our bags and left. Kathlyn had run home to pack her belongings and drop off her unconscious stepfather while I was unconscious.

We then took a plane to Miami, USA but had to leave after a week because of a tracker sent by Elizabeth's aunt.

We went to Los Angeles and after a few weeks (to ensure that we were safe), we settled down into an apartment a few minutes away from a private school. We blended in as well as we could and we made sure to always be prepared to take off at the first hint of trouble.

We managed to enroll into Golden Anglican High and keep up a false pretense at normalcy. We were on 'scholarships' so we didn't have to pay and I paid for the apartment using the money I got from selling off the jewellery that was a gift from the prince I didn't want to marry.

Now here I was, in the cafeteria wearing a god awful uniform waiting for my two best friends to appear. The only thing I had in front of me was a diet coke, which I mixed with blood. It was our first day of school and I was already sick of humanity.

As I tapped my heeled boot on the ground to the beat of Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon, I tried my absolute best to ignore the stares I was getting from both the female and male population. I'm not sure about Kathy and Eliza (we shortened our names to so we couldn't be tracked by our full names) but I am done with the whispering, gossiping, staring and outright bitching that these people have been doing. Even with my headphones on, I could hear them clearly.

"Amy, calm down." I heard Eliza say from behind me. Both girls then appeared with trays of food and began to settle down across from me.

"How are you not as irritated as I am by these Homo sapiens? It's like as if they've never seen new girls before!" I spat out as I took off my headphones.

"Wow girl. You just need to calm down and stop being so tense. I know it's hard for you, seeing as you were homeschooled and everything, but just chill okay? Fyi, that's just how teenagers are. They see something new and they want to have a go at trying to get it. More than three guys asked me out today and I hardly know them. This is high school, just keep your cool and you'll learn to ignore the people around you." As Kathy explained to me the going-ons of high school and how I am expected to behave, I looked around and let my thoughts roam.

By the way, when she said "and everything", she meant that I am one hundred and thirteen years old. When you're a vampire, you age really slowly. I'm not immortal, just really slow at looking my age. The eligible age of marriage is one hundred and twenty five, and I am still far for from it - heck, I look freaking seventeen! God knows what my father was thinking, trying to marry me off to a man twice my age, even if he did look twenty-five years old.

Kathy's words just floated around me until she started to explain the hierarchy.

"Wait what?!" I shrieked. I must have heard wrongly.

She gave a dramatic sigh before beginning again.

"There are the jocks which are all the athletic people and that includes the sporty really buff boys, that we passed coming into school, and the cheerleaders -"

"Why do they even have a hierarchy? This is no kingdom."

"Amy, there's a hierarchy everywhere you go. There's always a system in how things work," added Eliza.

Giving an exasperated sigh, I put my head on my hands.

"It's okay hun. You'll learn. You have me to teach you the ways of modern young adulthood." Sulking, I felt Kathy pat my head lightly when I had a sudden realization.

"Eliza, did anyone approach you? Like with Kathy?"

Shrugging, she said, "Yeah, there was one or two guys. Why?"

"Nothing. Just a precaution. Despite high school being full of fickle teenagers, we must always be on high alert. Any of these people could be sent to monitor us and we must be ready to run if necessa-"

"Or..." Kathy cut me off. "You're just jealous nobody approached you yet," she said rather suggestively.

"What the fuck are you talking about Kathy?" I yelled.

"Hey now, look who picked up the F word. I was just saying that to see if I would get a reaction out of yo-"

The bell rang and I couldn't have been happier to get out of that room. Quickly strapping my bag onto my shoulder, I got up and left.

Only to realize I had gym... With Eliza and Kathy, tons of hormonal boys and bitchy girls.

I hate high school.

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