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Everyday starts to feel the same, sitting in the garage waiting for something to happen. Me and the guys have been learning new ghost stuff, like how to teleport better without leaving Reggies shirt on the way. Or like we are now 100% sure our instruments are attached to our soul. But I have been writing some songs behind the band's back. Songs that are just for me and only me. The thing is every word I write is about her, every single word. Even if I write about Reggies passion for food, it ends up somehow about her. I sat up in the looft in the garage to write, and today was a good day. The lyrics just come to me. From down stairs I see a blue big poff come and two boys scream my name.


''I swear he is good at hide and seek'' Reggie let out

''Or you aren't looking good enough'' I said and looked over railing, the both boys look up at me with smiles on there face

''I found him, you lose alex''

''We didn't, okey..'' Alex knew that it wasn't even worth taking the conversation ''We have been looking for you, we were just with Lia''

''I just needed some alone time, you know''

''Ohh I know'' Reggie said and gave me a smirk as i made it down the ladder

''Omg what, no!''

I moved over to the chough and threw my notebook next to me and it landed open to the new song I wrote. Reggie sit down next to me and saw the notebook

''Hey, I never heard this song'' He said and took the notebook. I tried to grab it but he pushed me back ''My place, what is this?''

''Reggie please''

''Cause for a while it comes when I breathe in. Stays for a minute and disappears when you touch my skin, oh. Baby say you're home '' Reggie read out from the book and Alex made a little sound in the corner ''Wow Luke what is this?''

''It's nothing, please Reggie'' Reggie threw it to Alex who made a catch and at this point i'm mad. They know I hate when they read my lyric

''Look at that face, I don't ever wanna let you down. Let's love mistakes and heartbreaks, I never wanna see you frown. Wow Luke is this about Lia'' Alex said and I grabbed the book from his hand

''Even if it was it's none of your business'' The both of them looked at each other and then at me, and then back to each other. There is a long awkward pause.

''Bro we already know that you like her'' Reggie let out and point at me

''Um, wha.. what is that supposed to mean?'' I let out and I could feel my face get warm

''Come on. Everyone can see the way you look at her when you sing. You guys ooze chemistry'' Reggie let out with a chef kiss in the end.

I gave them two a weird look and them both looked back at med with the biggest smiles. Their smile was from check to check. Their smile made me nervous.

''Reggie you should never say ''ooze'' again, but , yeah I agree''

I know i like her but i don't know if she feels the same way, I have had all my feelings for myself the past weeks. It would be nice to let them all out to the boys. Alex moved next to me and put his hand on my shoulder to show like hey we are here for you. Knowing that Lia would feel the same way would be so nice to know.

''Just tell us Luke'' Alex let out. I took a big deep breath and took a step back before letting everything out.

''Okey look, She is a living and im a ghost. That is the first thing that makes this so weird. Not to start off with she can see and though me, once again I'm a ghost I'm dead. But the weirdst part is she is the only thing making my cold dead ghost body feel alive. She makes every second of everyday feel like I'm alive. And... And the way her eyes light up the whole room when she walks in. Like dude those eyes. And the way her smile makes my heart pound a extra time, she will give me a heart attack one day'' I can feel my feet get off the ground every time i say something,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2021 ⏰

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